Saturday, May 20, 2017

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 9-th Anniversary of Tempura !


ACT5  その5

Miaa Rebane
Photographer, artist, blogger/ フォトグラファー、アーティスト、ブロガー

Happy 9th Anniversary, Tempura and the whole team!!

Tempura is special for me, it has been since I came to Second Life years ago. There is something about the island that calms me down, centers me & heals. You know what they say --  'every soul innately yearns for stillness, for a space, a garden where we can sow, reap, and rest, and by doing so come to a deeper sense of self and our place in the universe.' that is Tempura for me. When things turn chaotic in SL or I feel uninspired, I turn to Tempura, perhaps to go back to the innocent awe I felt which I first explored the island. To bring back the calmness and space where I am me again. Tempura never fails me. It was only recently that I learned the story behind Tempura island's creation
( ) and it all made complete sense. I believe in energy and there is an abundance of goodwill, positivity and blessings in Tempura. Thank you to the Tempura team for creating and maintaining it for all of us. I wish you many many years of continued success.


SL内で、様々な事が混乱したり、ひらめきが無くなったりした時は、私はTempuraに向かいます。おそらく、初めてこの島を散策した時に感じた、清らかで荘厳な気持ちに帰り、平静さや、私が自分自身でいられる場所を取り戻すために向かうのでしょう。Tempuraは、決して私を失望させることはありません。最近になって、Tempura創設にまつわる話を聞きました.( ) そして、全てに納得がいきました。Tempuraには善意と、前向きさと、神の祝福が存在しており、私はその力を信じています。Tempuraのチームの皆さま、このTempuraを創り、そして存続させてくださってありがとう。今後のご成功をお祈りしております。

photo by : Miaa Rebane

Karasu Songlark - DJ

Happy 9th Anniversary, Tempura Island.
It always brings you "healing", "love" and "sensation".
Those are the feeling you felt when you visited Tempura for the fist time.
No matter how many years pass by, it will never change.
When I was suffering weather I would quit playing SL or not, it was Tempura where I visited two years ago
Tempura Island enveloped me in a warm hug.
I surrendered myself to this amazing environment that has embodied Japanese four seasons.
It might be a special Providence of the Goddess in Tempura.
Then, I was sitting on a sofa in the ballroom, and looking at the situation around me.
Some couples were dancing and holding a romantic conversation.
I thought that it would be so nice, if I could play DJ at a beautiful ballroom like this.  It was a necessity.
I contacted and told Chikae my honest feeling immediately.  Fortunately, Kikunosuke, Chikae, Polly and other members accepted me as a Tempura family member.
I appreciate for the existence of Tempura, and can't stop wishing Tempura happiness forever.
I also wish all people from all over the world to be happy together.

Tempura Island 9周年おめでとうございます。
今日もTempura Islandは、あなたに「癒し」と「愛」と「感動」を与えてくれます。
その時に訪れたのが「Tempura Island」です。
Tempura Islandは、私を優しく包み込んでくれました。
きっとTempura Islandの女神に導かれていたのかもしれません。
私は、Tempura Islandの限りない愛を感じました。
Tempura Islandの存在に感謝するとともに、永遠でありますことを祈らずには

photo by : Polly Reina

Arisara Ethaniel
Tempura family Photographer/ tempuraㇷオトグラファー家族

Happy Birthday to a special friend.
I’m glad we can spend it together.
Thanks for your sincerity that give me for so long

It's nice to think of all the happy times
that we've shared in the past
but nicer still to know
we share a friendship that will last.

Love is as simple
as candlelight and roses... is
day-to-day loving,
taking time,
making time to be there
with open arms
and a giving heart.
Love is
the special life we share.
Happy Anniversary Again !!! <3333



photo by: Arisara Ethaniel

Sora Tatham
AGATA mode owner /アガタモデルエージェンシー オーナー

Happy 9th anniversary to all Tempura family members.

Recently, I've stayed my own place to create some outfits for my shop in SL.  Since I was given this opportunity for sending this celebration message, I visited Tempura after a long interval.  When I arrived at Tempura, I felt as if I just came back home.
Although lots of SIMs have disappeared or changed their styles in SL, I felt relieved that Tempura is still there without any changes.

As I am also the one who have been playing SL for a long time, I know very well that the hardness and the importance to maintain a SIM like this.
When Kikunosuke was creating Tempura SIM, I had a chance to be friend with him, and we've been keeping in touch for a long time.  Although a lot of things have changed in SL recently, such as the release of the mesh method, I still remember how amazed and impressed I was with the high quality of the SIM in 2008.  When I had run a Modeling Agency, I used to visit Tempura to take some photos.

I think that the charm of Tempura which attracts a lot of people is not only its beauty but also the consideration of the Tempura family for their visitors, such as a helpful message for women at the TP point.  I know that it's not easy to maintain the SIM for a long time, but as one of the Tempura lovers, I hope Tempura will exist long into the future without any changes.  Best wishes for the future.

Tampura familyの皆様 9周年おめでとうございます。

多くのSIMがもう既に無くなってしまったり、変わっている中、ずっと変わらないTempura SIMがここにあるということが、とてもほっとする気持ちにさせていただきました。

私はこのTempura SIMを制作している時にご縁があって交流させていただくようになりました。今これだけmeshなど変化してきているsecondlifeの中で、2008年当初にすでにこのクオリティの高さで作られた事は、当時こちらが完成した時のことを思い出すと、その驚きと感動たるや今でもはっきりと記憶しております。

今後もTempura SIMの益々のご発展を応援しております。

photo by : Sora Tatham

Author: Chikae ella