Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Chikae Ella   
Tempura Officer/オフィサー

To my dear Tempura,
Tempura is a sacred place that embraces God in the land. chikae and kikunosuke made Tempura 11 years ago. It was a place to pray for my ancestors. And Tempura has become a social gathering place for friends from all over the world.

Many people have come back repeatedly, Tempura as their hometown.
Love, peace and healing. There is no more comfort for people. As long as this world continues, Tempura believes that it is God's will to exist. The cost of maintaining Tempura is managed by sales of Mandala jewelry.
The goodness of the sense of taste of the owner Kikunosuke who designed the Tempura is reflected in the jewelry of Mandala, neither Tempura nor Mandala. ,, And lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the tempura family, including Polly. I love the people of the world and my family.
Thank you as always.


天ぷらは土地に神を抱く神聖な場所です。 chikaeとkikunosukeは11年前に天ぷらを構築しました。。 私の先祖のために祈る場所として。 いつしか天ぷらは世界中からの友人のための集会所になりました。

多くの人々が繰り返し帰ってきた、天ぷらを彼らの故郷として。 愛、平和、そして癒し。 人々にとってこれ以上の快適さはありません。 この世界が続く限り、天ぷらはそれが存在するのが神の意志であると信じています。 天ぷらを維持するための費用は、マンダラジュエリーの販売によって管理されています。 天ぷらをデザインしたオーナーのkikunosukeのセンスの良さが、マンダラのジュエリーに反映されています。

 最後に、ポリーを含む天ぷら家族に心からお礼を申し上げます。 私は世界の人々と私の家族が大好きです。 いつもありがとうございます。 >/div>

photo by : Polly Reina

Author: Chikae ella

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Polly Reina,
Tempura officer & MANDALA Manager

I made fun other day saying how our Tempura is entering puberty period: )
11 Years of existing is really so much time, specially when we speak of SL time terms. I am honored and thankful that Tempura still last and keep been pure and amazing same as always.  There is no person that haven't heard about Tempura, the legend and constant of SL world. I can freely say about MANDALA too, that keeps Tempura alive.
Time is dynamic and changing, we change too, our lifes change but Tempura is always steady and beautiful.
We have faced many good and bad times here, but good once will always remain to hold dearly in our memories.
I want to thank to Kiku and Chikae, to Danko who is helping me always and to all dear friends and Tempura visitors, to the guests who leave so beautiful comments and greetings to Tempura, god bless you all!
Happy Birthday my Tempura!
先日、私たちの天ぷらが思春期に入っている様子を話して楽しんだ。特に私たちがSLの時間について話すとき、既存の11年は本当に長い長い時間です。 天ぷらがこれからも長く存続して、いつものように純粋で素晴らしい場所を提供してくれるでしょう。 SLの世界の伝説であり心の故郷である天ぷらについて聞いたことがない人はいません。 私はMANDALAについてもすべてを語ることができます。天ぷらの維持費はMANDALAの売り上げによって賄われているからです。時間は刻々と変化していきます。私たちの思想は変化し、私たちのRL生活は変化しますが、天ぷらは常に安定して存在して、その美しさは変わりません。私たちはここで多くの善と悪の時代に直面してきましたが、善の時代は常に私たちの記憶に心に残っていくでしょう。

Polly Reina
photo by : Dankosinhue

Arisara Ethaniel
Tempura family Photographer/ tempuraㇷオトグラファー家族

Congratulations on the 11th anniversary of Tempura Island again and again..
As the world grows another year older I wish you to have a heart that remains youthful and cheerful always.
I hope this next year of life brings wonderful people and memories for you .The value of a friendship isn’t measured by time, but rather by the moments and memories shared.
It’s an honor to be a part of the same work group . Don’t look for a heaven in the sky. Make your own heaven right here.
Happy Birth Day and many happy returns <333




同じワークグループに参加できて光栄です。 空に天国を見ないでください。 ここにあなた自身の天国を作りなさい。 誕生日おめでとうと多くの幸せなリターン <333

Arisara Ethaniel
photo by: Arisara Ethaniel

Author: Chikae ella

Monday, May 27, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Bird Luik
blogger & photographer /ブロガー&カメラマン

Tempura was the First Place I visited in SL, many years ago. And the reason was that before keep contact with what was Second Life i already knew about Tempura. Friends of mine were in love with this magical and poetical place in SL.
The same happened to me. For years I was walking in the magical woods of Tempura and even before I began to take pics I did a lot of snapshots of the flowers in Tempura, the mountains, the Temple... And was enough for me to go to Tempura to have a relaxed and beautiful time. No other sim produces on me such effect.

Mandala is the top of the cake and  have been from the beggining till nowadays the most beautiful store of jewels. True ones. And I can't not mention the owner of Tempura and Mandala a true gentleman and a wonderful person. And I found also in Tempura another jewell called Polly. She is the sweetest Friend I count on the worst times of my life. And the most intelligent and Beautiful Host Tempura could have.

For all I Want to thank and wish from my heart that Tempura, Mandala and the persons I love have many more years of beauty, peace and warm friendship.

何年も前に、天ぷらはSLで私が訪れた最初の場所でした。そしてその理由は、Second Lifeの中で天ぷらはすでに知られていたからです。私の友達はSLのこの魔法のような詩的な場所に恋をしていました。


Bird Luik
photo by : Bird Luik

S h i n o (shinobu.istmal)
Tempura friend / model,DJ (Tempuraの友 ,model, DJ)

Congratulations on the 11th anniversary of Tempura!
I am very happy to celebrate the important milestone of today.
It is loved by many as a very beautiful place in SL,
Many people are visiting as a place of healing of the heart, a holy place for lovers.
I am also one of the people who spent some healing time.
Thank you for giving me this kind of anniversary comment,
As we continue to develop in the future,
I pray from the bottom of my heart.

Congratulations on 11th.
This anniversary is in recognition of your hard work.
I will hope for your success!♡♡♡

Tempura11周年 おめでとうございます!

Shinobu Istmal
photo by: Shinobu Istmal

Author: Chikae ella

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Tempura friend / photographer  (Tempuraの友 ,フォトグラファー)

The trees grow, their roots strengthened, the leaves bloom, it dries, and in the same way that the wind is reborn from nothing...
So began Tempura dreams..
from a person who had dreams and made them come true
Now that reality is 11 years, in an unreal World more real than the World itself
Congratulations Tempura for having beautiful people under your roof, as you have given us experiences that feel like to the skin
I have no words other than the feelings of my soul
because in addition Tempura being so beautiful has given me love
Happy Birthday


photo by : Dankosinhue

Show Masala
Tempura friend の友

Congratulations on the 11th anniversary of tempura sim!
It has been another year since we celebrate our 10th anniversary. Time goes by is really fast.
Many thanks to tempura over the past year. And you will be indebted to the next year a lot!

I am really grateful to tempura, who always welcomes me warmly.
Thank you, kikunosuke, chikae, polly, and tempura!

tempura simの11周年おめでとうございます!


Show Masala
photo by: Varutina Resident 

Author: Chikae ella

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Chi Anthony - Tempura Security M/セキュリティ

A big congrats to Tempura.
Let us all drink a toast to the 11th Anniversary of Tempura on May 25. Cheers!
An anniversary is the time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and the hopes of tomorrow.
Many think of Tempura as their home in Second Life, and even after 11 years it's still a place where people from around the world, with different cultures and values, regardless of age or gender come together to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and music.
Even though time has passed, we've changed, everything just changes.
Only one thing remains the same.....Japan Tempura Island!
Kiku, Chikae and Polly, thank you so much for continuing to provide a wonderful place for so many years!

Second Lifeで天ぷらを故郷だと思っている人は多く、11年経っても、年齢や性別に関係なく、文化や価値観が異なる世界中の人々が集まって美しい環境と音楽を楽しめます。


With Love,
Chi Anthony

photo by : Polly Reina

Hera Blackheart - Tempura Security M/ セキュリティ

Like an image passing by, I can still see me coming here as a newbie and running through the bridge to reach my favorite tai chi spot.  I used to visit this sim every day, I was amazed by the beautiful avatars and the kindness of this family. So many friends I met here and some of them will be always part of my life. In my mind, I see us having fun at the entrance spot during the long nights or dancing all night in the beautiful ballroom or trying the amazing jewelry that Kiku, the owner of Tempura, creates (Mandala)..  It's the only place where I feel at home.
My only message in this time of celebration is:
Let's bring love, let's bring this remedy so we can cheers up our hearts. For the pain, for the headaches there is nothing better than the rhythm and the beauty of Tempura. Forget your fears and your sorrows cause time flies.

通り過ぎるイメージのように、私はまだ私が初心者としてここに来て、私のお気に入りの太極拳の場所に到達するために橋を通って走っているのを見ることができます。 私は毎日このシムを訪れていました、私は美しいアバターとこの家族の優しさに驚きました。 私がここで出会ったたくさんの友人たちとそのうちの何人かはいつも私の人生の一部となるでしょう。 私の頭の中では、私たちは長い夜の間に入り口で楽しんだり、美しいボールルームで一晩中踊ったり、天ぷらのオーナーであるKikuが作成した素晴らしいジュエリーを試したりしています。 くつろぐ。
愛をもたらしましょう、私たちの心を元気づけることができるようにこの救済をもたらしましょう。 痛みのために、頭痛のために、天ぷらのリズムと美しさより良いものは何もありません。 あなたの恐れを忘れなさいそしてあなたの悲しみは時間の彼方へ消えていくでしょう。

Hera Blackheart
photo by : Polly Reina

Author: Chikae ella

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Tempura Island 11th Anniversary!!!

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Tempura celebrates its 11th anniversary.
It has been here for 11 years and continues to give healing to the people of the world every day. It is a rare thing in SL and it probably won't change. As long as SL exists. Kikunosuke and Chikae created Tempura to heal the tired mind and body in RL and to pray for Buddha and to honor the ancestors. It will not change tomorrow. However, 11 years have been so long, the positions and times to Chikae and Kikunosuke's RL have changed, and there are many busy days. Especially Chikae is sorry for not having time to upload blog of tempura avatars. Still there are fun happenings. I asked the people who love Tempura and have connection for comment of the 11th anniversary. All comments from Tempura friends and family will be posted. Please enjoy it.

11年も変わりなくここに存在して、毎日世界の人々に癒しを与え続けている。SLの中でも稀有なことであり、それはおそらくこれからも変わらない。SLが存在する限り。kikunosuke とchikaeがここを作ったのは、RLで疲れた心身を癒し仏陀に祈り先祖を敬うためでした。それは明日も変わりません。しかし11年はあまりに長く、chikaeとkikunosukeのRLにおける立場も時間も変わり、忙しくて入れない日も多くなりました。とくにchikaeはtempuraアバターのブログをアップする時間がなく、申し訳なく思っています。それでも楽しい出来事はあります。tempuraにゆかりのある人たちに、11周年の記念の文章をお願いしました。tempura家族の文章も掲載されます。皆様お楽しみください。


Stardust's store owner, artist and photographer

Dreams bloom at places and around people that inspire them to grow, Tempura is one of those places. I was lucky enough to find Tempura when I just joined Second Life. Rare places like this one are the reason I stayed, because I saw a beautiful, dream like sim that waters my imagination and at the same time feels safe and peaceful. Thank you for that!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday Tempura and for many years to come!

夢を育む場所や人々の周りには夢が咲いています。天ぷらはその中の1つです。 Second Lifeに入社したばかりの頃には、天ぷらを見つけることができてとてもラッキーでした。 このようなまれな場所が私が滞在した理由です。なぜなら私は私の想像力を水に浸すと同時に安全で平和を感じるシムのような美しい夢を見たからです。 有難うございます! お誕生日おめでとうございます天ぷらを願っています。


photo by : Jasmine Stardust

Mauro Catronis - Tempura security / テンプラ セキュリティ

Hurray the first milestone in the second decade of the existence of our beautiful Tempura is reached: already the 11th birthday!!!
This last year i couldn't visit Tempura for a long period, but i returned again recently and i was happy that although all is streaming like a river in this world, as the Greeks told us long ago, Tempura stays just like stagnant water, always the same beauty, never changing.
Tempura is still the place in Secondlife where people can meet peacefully, where they have time for themselves doing tai chi or meditation and where they can dance, chat and love each other. It is a magical place, where you can make lovely friends and i am very happy that i found a couple of them , who are my best friends already for a long time. A special thanks to Kikunosuke, Chikae and Polly, who made this all possible and already so long. I wish everybody, staff and visitors,  a lovely and inspiring birthday on the 25th of may.

昨年、私は長い間天ぷらを訪れることができなかったが、私は最近また戻ってきた、そしてギリシャ人が私たちにずっと前に言ったように、すべてがこの世の川のように流れているが 常に同じ美しさ、決して変わらない。
天ぷらはまだSecondlifeの中で人々が平和に集まることができる場所、自分たちで太極拳や瞑想をすることのできる時間があり、彼らが踊り、雑談をし、そしてお互いを愛することができる場所です。 それはあなたが素敵な友達を作ることができる魔法のような場所です、そして私は長い間すでに私の親友であるそれらのカップルを見つけたことをとても嬉しく思います。 Kikunosuke、Chikae、そしてPollyに感謝します。 皆さん、スタッフ、そして来場者の皆様、5月25日に素敵で刺激的な誕生日を迎えます。

Mauro Catronis

photo by : Polly Reina

Author: Chikae ella