Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura


Kikunosuke eel 
(Owner of TEMPURA ISLAND &  MANDALA Jewelry)
(テンプラシム オーナー&  マンダラジュエリー オーナー&デザイナー)

Today Tempura Island will celebrate 6th anniversary.
It is amazing to see so many guests are visiting Tempura every day.
It is solely depending on the strong support by the SL family.  It is not expressive in word to convey my heartfelt gratitude to her.  The reason why I am still keep log-in SL is that there is the SL family.



Dear Mauro,
Thank you for secure Tempura all the time.  I did not have so match occasion to talk to you, but I always feel thanks whenever I notice your name on the mini-map.


Dear IVO,
Your huge dragon avatar has become an institution at Tempura Island.
I feel that other fancy avatars such as dragons or centaurs are gathering at Tempura under the favor of you.  Thank you.

Ivoの巨大なドラゴンアバターは 天ぷら島の名物になってますね。

Dear Rios,
You are my friend since I started SL.  Now both of us have family in RL (children too!).  I feel the current of the times.  MAI (geisha dance) is super!  I am counting on your multiple talent.  Thank you.

時の流れを感じます。舞い(geisha dance)チョーかっこいいです!Riosのマルチな才能、今後も期待しています。ありがとう。

Dear Joshua,
When I meet you at the first time, I felt that you might be square and very scary, but you are very nice person when talking.  Your sitting pose on the bridge roof watching for TEMPURA is impressive.  Thank you.


Dear Hera,
Every time I see you I was talking about foods, such as recipe or some delicious things.  Thank you for getting together every time.  You are so gentle.  Thank you for securing Tempura out of your hectic schedule.


Dear Waterlilly,
When Tempura was born, you were well known as a famous elf among our friends.  I am so glad that such a person like you became a member of the family.  Thank you.


Dear Aris,
Wonderful photographing skills!  Thank you for taking beautiful pictures every time.  I think that the mind of the person who takes or draws pictures will be shown in the works.  I and all family members are very glad to be taken photograph by you.


Dear Mike,
You always raise a laugh in the family by saying something fun.  Thank you.
You have a talent to loosen up the atmosphere.  Interesting and cool. That should be a magnum power.  Please take care of Ishtar.

面白くて イケメン。最強じゃないですか。彼女を大事にしてくださいね。

Dear Chi,
I think our things to be interested in are similar.
Kimono or furniture at your home, we have same taste for beauty.
You are very good to find nice place or items.
Let us go out for legwork together to various SIMs.  Thank you.


Dear Polly,
Gentle, wise, and strong Polly, the friend who I can express the true feelings.  Do you know how your support has given me courage?  You have a magical charm that attracts everyone.  I respect you as a human.  I conquered all trouble under favor of your existence.  The success of Tempura has never been achieved without you.  Thank you.

優しくて、賢くて、強い polly。本音で語り合える親友。君の支えが僕にどれだけの勇気を与えているか知っていますか。みんなを惹きつける魔法のような魅力があります。一人の人間として尊敬しています。どんな困難にあってもpollyがいてくれたおかげで乗り越えることができました。TEMPURAの成功はpollyがいなければ成し遂げられなかったです。ありがとう。

Dear Chikae,
We bumped against each other several times.  I understand that all cases were due to your consideration regarding me, Tempura Island, or the shop.  You are the exact person who found the creation team of Tempura and supported the shop opening.  Thank you.  Your suggestions were always correct.  You are an existence like a shrine for me.


Author: Chikae ella

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Chikae ella 
(TEMPURA ISLAND SIM officer & Exclusive model of  MANDALA-JEWELRY)
(tempuraシム役員& MANDALジュエリーモデル)

Tempura was created according to the divine afflatus.
When we were hung up in Tempura design, one of our staffs brought in a drawing mentioning emotionally, “I heard a voice of heaven that demands me to create it according to this drawing.”  That was exactly the rough design drawing of current Tempura.  We had believed that the spirit resides especially in a cyber space, so we created a SIM as shown in the drawing with a reverence toward god and ancestors.  
A mysterious magical world of love and healing, where the east Mandala meets the west renaissance.

For these six years, our family had many experiences that can be said as miracle.
Whenever there was a trouble at Tempura, a person who can resolve it appeared and helped us without fail.
Persons who cause harm to Tempura were found in various ways and cleared away from Tempura.
Any items necessary for Tempura were always available through our surrounding information.
Everything needed was pulled in Tempura when needed.
Again and again we were helped by the miracle power.
I feel as if Tempura has been inviting people from the world on his own will.

There is no border at Tempura.  Neither air fare nor passport is required.  This is an unparalleled place with full of love and peace where all peoples from the world can be united as “earthians”.
And the peace kept here is solely under the favor of the “selfless love” of Tempura family.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the family who spent time of your life for Tempura.
I think the future of Tempura is entrusted to the family. 
Thank you all family members!  Without all of you Tempura could not celebrate the 6th anniversary.

I love you all!!

Now this time many wonderful guests send us heartwarming messages and encouragement. 
I will send you heartfelt gratitude and love.
Happy 6th anniversary of Tempura!

Tomorrow the seventh year will start!!!







Photo by: Arisara Ethaniel

Author: Chikae ella

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Special guest Part 5

Strawberry Singh (Great blogger, photographer and a social media enthusiast)

A big congrats to the Tempura family for the 6th anniversary of one of the most celebrated destinations in Second Life.
Thank you for creating and maintaining a wondrous sim full of love, romance and whimsy.
It's been a pleasure to have Tempura Island as a part of my Second Life journey. I've spent countless hours there taking pictures and spending time with loved ones. It's one of the first places I fell in love in Second Life and will always be one that I continuously return to.

Thank you to Polly, Chikae and Kiku for being so kind and inviting me to share my thoughts about the beauty of Tempura. Much love, hugs and congrats to you all.<3

私のセカンドライフの旅の一部にTempra Islandがあることは喜びでした。

Polly、Chikae、そしてKiku、ご親切にしていただき、私を呼んで いただき、Tempuraの美しさへの思いを分かち合っていただいたことに感謝します。沢山の愛と、抱擁と、皆様全てへのお祝いを。<3

photo by: Strawberry Singh

Polly Reina (TEMPURA ISLAND SIM  officer & MANDALA Manager)
(tempura シム役員、mandala JEWELRY マネージャー)

It's a truly blessing to have Tempura all this years.
For all this years Kiku, Thank you!!!

Thank you for your generosity to keep the most beautiful place in SL, the living monument that means so much to so many people from all around the world.
It is amazing that after all this years Tempura is still the most visited place in SL. Nobody has had enough from Tempura.
Not many know that you used your great creativity and talent and learn more skills to find a way to maintain Tempura.
Not many know that MANDALA is the heart that keeps Tempura alive.
Not because of that only, your genius mind shines in all what you will touch and create.
I wish Tempura to live so much longer, to you, wishing you health and happiness and so many new amazing breathtaking creations..,that's my blessing to you.
I am grateful that i know you and have you in my life.

"The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.”
You will always be in my heart.

Chikae, thank you too so much and to all my friends and family for one more great year together.

and once again ...(Hera :D)
Happy Birthday to my Tempura!


貴方の店 MANDALAJEWELRY の売り上げで、Tempuraが維持されているということを知っている人も多くありません。




Photo by : Arisara Ethaniel

Author: Chikae ella

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Special guest Part 4

Sunshineladyx (regular  Tempura guest -meditation circle favorite lady:)

Happy Birthday Tempura Island!  wow 6-th Anniversary !!!!

2 years ago i came to Tempura for the first time , and guess what , I never went away !
First time I did visit Tempura it did gave me the feeling i was home , amazing !!! That so awesome ;)
Tempura has bring me so much joy I can't believe I have bin blessed with so many different and cool friends from all over the world ;)
As soon i arrive and i sit down on my green pillow (if its not occupied lol) on the meditation circle than my face starts to smile from ear to ear !
Where else can you find big dragons ( who are house trained) or sweet  elves who show up and brighten your day ;)

The cool part of Tempura is , you never know what happens when you log in , its always a surprise and i love it !
One moment you sit  very quiet on the pillow and you enjoy the music next moment the circle is full and you start to laugh with tears , wow love when that happens ;)
Always laugh when you can , its a cheap medicine, btw, I wonder if I ever did meditate ??? ;)

I have met so many special people in Tempura, they are all beautiful souls and became dear friends ;)
Friends are helpful not only because they will listen to us, but because they will laugh at us, and laugh with us  through them we learn a little objectivity , a little modesty, a little courtesy, we learn the rules of life and become a better person !
Tempura makes my SL special , because its a magical place that makes me laugh and smile until i log off.
I hope this beautiful sim will be here for a long long time , I want to say my thanks to the owners of the sim and all the people who make this place so special !!!

Raises her glass and shouts : happy birthday on the 6th anniversary ! cheers ;)

Tempura Island誕生日おめでとう! わお、6周年!!!

2年前に私は初めてtempuraに来ました、そして、わかります? 私は二度と他へ行かなかったのです! 最初にtempuraを訪れたとき、私はホームにいるような感じがしました。素晴らしいこと!! なんと素敵なこと・^-^

あるときは、貴方は枕の上にとても静かに座り音楽を楽しみ、次の瞬間にサークルは一杯になり涙を流して笑い出すのです。それが起こるときの愛! 貴方が笑えるときはいつでも笑いなさい、それは安価な薬なのです。そういえば、私は瞑想したことがあったっけ???

グラスを挙げて叫びましょう、6歳の誕生日おめでとう! 乾杯^-^

photo by : Polly Reina

Hamster friends that visit Tempura

Trust Matsuo , Chem Slacker , Alexis Irvin...and Tempura member

We do love Tempura.

Any kind of animal avatars can visit Tempura with peace of mind.
Any creatures living in Tempura will be welcome, such as bird, butterfly, insect or even those of legend, dragon, centaur, or mermaid.
They are accepted not because of the appearance but the heart.
Needless to say, sickening avatars or too gigantic ones will be asked to change the avatar.

I think that the top of cute ones at Tempura is hamster that we are.
If you see hamsters at Tempura, please say something.  Let us have fun together.
We will send love to all of you around the world.

Happy 6th birthday of Tempura.
I wish this place to be an oasis of all avatars forever, with love.





photo by: Kikunosuke eel

Arisara Ethaniel (Photographer & Security of Tempura Island )

I'm speechless...

Now that’s a first …Thank you for all past in my life …for my entire friend.

Join and learn, free your willingness and open your soul to in Tempura Island.
You and I, and everyone else around the world, are different in many ways. We may differ in terms of biological characteristics, like race, sex, height, and eye color.
We can also vary in the culture we live in, the religion or philosophy we follow, the job we work in, and the hobbies and interests that we enjoy.
But there’s nothing wrong with any of these differences. If anything, being different means being a unique and special addition to this world.

When we get to learn about others and respect our similarities and our differences, we get to learn so much more about the world and about ourselves and this helps us to grow spiritually, instead of stagnating. It also opens the doors to many other opportunities, be they friendships, work prospects, travel possibilities or a wider understanding of the world in which we live.

Here is to the love
that brought us together
May it grow stronger
and even more beautiful
as time passes
Happy 6th Anniversary Tempura!!! :D


参加し、学び、貴方の意欲を解き放ち、Tempura Islandで貴方の心を開く。




photo by: Arisara Ethaniel

Author: Chikae ella

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Special guest Part 3

Kay Fairey (President of Operations at The Best of SL/BOSL, model, blogger)

Congratulations of the 6th Anniversary of Tempura Island!!

I remember the first time I ever visited Tempura Island.  I just started to model in SL and a photographer took me there for a photo shoot session for a magazine.  I remember how thrilled and nervous I was to be in my first photo shoot and how I was in awe of the beautiful sim.
Then the photographer started to run (she was always running) into hidden caves and fearing that I might get left behind, I ran and followed her trying very hard not to lag behind.  It was then that I came across a couple enjoying a very private and intimate moment and I was like “oops!”.
But the photographer didn’t care a bit and she ran right into the room and out the other end.  I ran after her with all my prims floating around from my extravagant Oiran kimono and the poor couple was like “what was THAT???” and I remember I was apologizing to the couple silently as I ran after her.  LOL

Since those days, Tempura Island had never changed as one of the most beautiful sims and always one of the most favorite destinations in SL when it is quite rare to find sims that stay as favorites for so long as 6 years!

Congratulations to Kikunosuke and all the management staff who do such a great job in keeping Tempura the way it is today.  And I wish it will stay for many more years to come!

Tempura Islandの6周年、おめでとうございます!

私が初めてTempura Islandを訪れたときのことは今でもはっきり覚えています。



Tempura Islandをこの間ずっと支えてきたKikunosukaさんとスタッフのみなさま、本当におめでとうございます!そしてこれからも長きにわたり、変わらずにいてくれることを切に望みます。

photo by: Kay Fairey

Chi Anthony (Security Manager of Tempura Island)

Tempura......No words can describe this place. Mesmerizing, beautiful, impeccable, friendly, classy and laid back.
I've chosen the song "Eternity"  and the poem "Sakura"  to wish my Tempura family and visitors a Happy Birthday.


Petals of the palest pink,
Beauty which can't be captured with ink,
From March to May,
A visit to a cherry blossom tree many pay.

Passing time is sheer sublime,
Filling the heart of many poets with rhyme,
Even in the dark dead of night,
A lantern brings your beauty to light.

In the Spring morning,
Blossoms appear the first warning,
Melodic Music fills the air,
Hearts begin to flair.

Falling gracefully to the ground,
A sight which will astound,
Even just for a moment gaze,
This beauty shall all amaze.
I take a humble bow and smile

Tempura… このすばらしい場所を言い表す言葉がありません、魅せられる、美しい、完璧な、親しげな、高尚な、そして癒される。





photo by: Chi Anthony

Joshua Loxely(Security  of Tempura Island)

Happy Birthday Tempura!
Here's to six years of a calm oasis in a pixel dessert,a place for calm contemplation,a place to find friends who become family,a place where strangers become lovers, a place to live a fantasy life with people you would not meet any other way,a place to mingle with the world,taking taking a stroll down the bridge passing so many nations in this microcosmos we call Tempura...most important to me its a place I call home, here's to six more years of this living breathing sim.



photo by: Polly Reina

Mauro Catronis(Security  of Tempura Island)

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases: it will never
Pass into nothingness:but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing"

This poem, called "Endymion", is about beauty, or as his writer says "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, -that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know".

It is bringing me Tempura in mind, with his enduring search for beauty and love, a jewelry amongst the sims in sl. For so many years.
Many many thanks to Kikunosuke, Chikae and Polly. 




photo by: Polly Reina

Author: Chikae ella

Monday, May 5, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Special guest Part 2

Graphic Dix  (Great and most talented SL photographer)

Tempura is definitely one of the few sites I love in Second Life and one of the places where I lived some of my fondest and precious memories, a place that most people would surely call a dream.
In Tempura I fell in love among the flowers hidden near the sea, I spent whole nights by dancing in the saloon and I got lost for hours dreaming on the notes of an extraordinary soundtrack, in the rooms of the building, in the trees or in those amazing caves, every time fascinated by discovering wonderful new details.
A world like this I think it's only possible thanks to the great passion and love of those who created it and who with tenacity and dedication continues to take care of it like a painting which never ends.
I know it sounds like a movie quote but It's something so special that goes beyond Second Life, a dream indeed, able in some way to make you feel better in real life too, and most important that like only the best things was given to us for free. Me and many many others people will be forever in your debt.

A sincere Thank you from the depths of my heart to Kikunosuke, Polly, Chikae and to all those who continue to make possible this wonderful tale.

Happy sixth birthday Tempura, a million wishes! :)




Tempura6周年おめでとう! 百万のお幸せを!

Photo by: Graphic Dix

Hera Blackheart(Security Manager of Tempura Island)

Here comes again that time of the year!!
Here we gather all around the world to celebrate Tempura and Family!!!
Tempura, with its relaxing atmosphere and with the nicest visitors I ever saw, shows us that Harmony and Peace is what we all want and seek.

Thanks to Kiku and Chikae‘s guidance, Tempura is grown in admiration and appreciation.
Kiku: your sweet nature and generous heart is what makes you a very special person for all of us. I wish you a life of pure happiness. 

What to say about Tempura family? We don’t see each other all the time: we changed, we found new paths, but no matter what, we always come back to Tempura and share a smile… a word… a hug.

Happy Birthday Tempura !!!


Tempuraファミリーについて何と言えばいいでしょう? 私たちは常に一緒にいるわけではありません。私たちは変化し、新しい道を見つけますが、何があっても、私たちはTempuraに戻り、微笑みと、言葉と、抱擁を交わすのです。


photo by: Polly Reina

xxMikexx Bebb (Security Manager of Tempura Island)

I am happy to celebrate with you the sixth Anniversary of Tempura.
Years passes but Tempura does not change.
We can say that Tempura is timeless, there always an atmosphere of peace and love.
It is always a pleasure to meet people from all countries and different cultures.
Tempura remains a social meeting place and sharing.

Thank you to Kikunosuke Eel for creating this beautiful place.
I am always ready to help those who need it and support the team of Tempura.
I embrace you all and thank you for all that you are.

Happy Birthday!

この素晴らしい場所を創っていただいたKikunosuke Ealに感謝します。

photo by: xxMikexx Bebb

Ivo Piers (Tempura security and DRAGON)

Hi everyone,

Another year passes by and we still have this wonderful place that lots of us call home.
Tempura isn´t only an place to chi or meditate its a place where we know that we can find and talk to our good friends to ask how was your day today in real life or simply just saying an hello.

Home is where we felt good and stay together with our family and good friends and Tempura to me is HOME.


私たちはまだ、この素晴らしいSL世界の中に、私たちみんなが homeと呼んでいる場所を持っています。Tempuraは単に太極拳で楽しんだり、瞑想したりするだけの場所ではありません。、私たちが素敵な友達を見つけて会話し、リアルライフでの貴方の今日の一日はどうだったかを聞き、またはただこんにちは、と言うことが出来る場所なのです。


photo by : Arisara Ethaniel

Author: Chikae ella

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 6-th Anniversary of Tempura.


Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Your Tempura will celebrate the 6th birthday on May 25.

There will be several commemorative events.
Here the Tempura blog as per usual, the tempura families will appear.
The family members are supporting tempura as volunteers, important fellows with benevolent affections.



Now, as a special event---

Special guests who are linked by fate with Tempura will be asked to come on stage.
The greetings by the families and guests will be posted in sequence.
Please looking forward to.

Special guest Part 1

Clione Clary
(SLTV Personality, VWBC -Virtual World Broadcasting- newscaster)

Happy 6th Anniversary Tempura!!!

If memory serves me well, I got to know kikunosuke and chikae right after the grand opening of Tempura in 2008.  Many SL years have past since I got to know these beautiful people.

I am so grateful that Second Life has been blessed with the one and only fabulous creation of art known as Tempura.  With its beautiful landscapes, buildings, music and atmosphere.

Whenever I'm in the mood, I come and bathe myself in this extraordinary world.
When I feel happy, I come here to share it.
When I feel sad, 'the world of ultimate healing' lifts me back up.
Yes, that's how important this place is to me and it's never let me down. Not even once. There's never a bad time to come here.

Usually it's really difficult to maintain a private region like this in SL. Luckily the Tempura family who run this place are very well organized.

Kikunosuke is not only a talented and passionate creator but  quick learner too! In order to maintain this island and allow things to keep running smoothly, he's opened the Mandala Accessory store. I am fond of every single creation in there. It's inspiring to know that he learned and mastered all of his creative skills in SL from scratch.
It's hard not to have a deep respect for him!

I'm sure that the history of Tempura will go on as long as the Second Life goes on.

Happy Birthday Tempura, you're a beautiful creation.




私にとって本当にかけがえのないとても大事な場所なのです。 私が何を求めてここを訪れても決して期待を裏切ることはありません。 いつどんな気持ちでここを訪れても、いつだって期待に応えてくれる場所なのです。

SL内でこのような場所を長年に渡って維持して行く事はまさに至難の業。 しかし、幸いな事にこの場所は「テンプラ・ファミリー」によって本当にきちんと管理されています。 だからこその居心地の良さなのですよね。



お誕生日おめでとう&ありがとう! テンプラは私にとって、いつまでも大切にしたい芸術作品です。

photo by: Heart Irata

Waterlilly Aabye  (Tempura Elf & Security)

The day has arrived again and we are here to celebrate Tempura’s 6th birthday. Finding the most eloquent and suitable words is rather difficult when you try to grab the essence of such a magical place. When you begin to compose your first sentence you easily get the feeling that the words escape you. Mostly impressions of the most enchanting spots, the music and your friends come to your mind. Those shared moments, talks and dances that are intertwined with the tranquil atmosphere of Tempura, creating a perfect hideaway from the hustle and bustle of real life.



I would like to thank the owner Kikunosoke Eel, his officers Chikae Ella and Polly Reina and my fellow Tempura family members for devoting their time to Tempura to preserve and maintain it for us.

オーナーのKikunosuke Eel, 彼のオフィサーのChikae EllaとPolly Reina、そして私の仲間のTempuraファミリーメンバーに、Tempuraを保存し維持してゆく時間を捧げていることに深く感謝したいと思います。

I have chosen a poem by the Japanese Buddhist monk and poet Daigu Ryokan to wish Happy Birthday and thank you all for the lovely time together.


„The rain has stopped, the clouds have drifted away,
and the weather is clear again.
If your heart is pure, then all things in your world are pure.
Abandon this fleeting world, abandon yourself,
Then the moon and flowers will guide you along the way.”


Let's celebrate Tempura together by immersing ourselves in the beauties of the sim.

photo by: Polly Reina

Rios Allen (Tempura Security)

Heartily congratulate the sixth anniversary of Tempura.

I am privileged with the honor of being able to send this note of congratulations this year too.  I joined this family two years ago but I had known Tempura since its opening.  The timeless beauty and continued popularity, those are really amazing.  Furthermore, I am exhilarated by something fresh every time I visit here even today, that is due to so many guests who give attractive colors to the SIM every day.  Some of the guests say to me a member of security, “Hi, this is lovely place” or “Thank you for welcoming us”.  I am very glad to know that this is also a place where such warm souls are getting together.  (I am sorry but I cannot answer them immediately in many cases.)  I wish all guests visiting Tempura from now on to have good meetings and memories.


Last but not least. I express my deepest gratitude to kiku, chikae, polly and all family members.  Under the favor and labor of you all, Tempura maintains the peace today.  Thank you all the time.


photo by : Rios Allen

Author: Chikae ella