Sunday, May 27, 2018

TEMPURA 10 Years Anniversary!

Sasy Scarborough
Hair Fair Committee Organiser/ヘア・フェア・コミッティ・オーガナイザー
Management Consultant /マネージメント・コンサルタント
Fashion and Second Life Blogger/ファッション、SLブロガー

Many years ago there was a wave of new and exciting additions to Second Life, the introduction of sculpts had given us a gift of people that had dreams and exciting imaginations for a world that could be not only beautiful but filled with soul. 
I remember landing the first time at Tempura, and marveling in its majesty, feeling as though I had entered a storybook that was yet to be read, and delighting in not only the intricacies of the setting but also its ambiance.
It was not filled to the brim with things, it was its own thing, and it was remarkable.
Every so often I go on a little visit, and it is exactly as presented, it is not a place you have to venture long and laboriously through, it just envelops you and gives you what you need.
I feel that we have accepted this gift as intended many many times over and I not only congratulate  Kikunosuke,  Chikae  and Polly, but thank them from the bottom of my heart for such a blessing as Tempura, and what it has meant to the community of Second Life this many years.

Happy Anniversary to everyone that is a visitor now, has been in the past or plans to be in the future, you will always be welcome, and that is such a gift they gave us, I want to deserve it every day.



Sasy Scarborough
photo by : Sasy Scarborough

Chi Anthony - Tempura Security M/セキュリティ

On May 26 we'll celebrate Tempura's 10th anniversary, a memorable day.
10 years ago Kikunosuke and Chikae created Tempura to cleanse our body and soul.
Tempura became a very important place for many people from all over the world, to heal, to gather with friends or to be with our loved ones.
The moments we shared together at Tempura are treasures in our mind. To go over in our heads to warm our hearts.
No one can take those happy memories away from us. All are memorable and equally ingrained in our hearts.

A special thanks for Kiku, Chikae and Polly, they put a lot of effort and time to maintain Tempura.

Tempura keep shining and Happy 10th Anniversary.

With love





Chi Anthony
photo by : Chi Anthony

Mauro Catronis - Tempura security / テンプラ セキュリティ

Hurrah, hurrah!
Tempura exist on the 25th of May already a whole decade, really fantastic. Thank you all for making it possible that i can this enjoy already so long a time, Kikunosuke, Chikae, Polly, active and gone assistants and especially all the visitors. Without you there was no Tempura.
I found a nice poem that reminds me of Tempura’s essence. It is of Emily Dickinson:
WHO has not found the heaven below
Will fail of it above.
God’s residence is next to mine,
His furniture is love.

テンプラは5月24日に創設され、すでに10年を迎えました。本当に素晴らしい事です。長きに渡り楽しめる事を実現させてくれてありがとうございます。Kikunosuke、Chikae、Polly、今は居なくなってしまったけど、アクティブだったアシスタントの方々、そして、特に訪問してくれる全ての人々に感謝しています。あなた方がいなかったら、テンプラは存続していないでしょう。テンプラのエッセンスを思い起こさせる詩に出会いました。Emily Dickinsonの詩です。


Mauro Catronis
photo by : Polly Reina

Author: Chikae ella