As you may know, Japan had heavily losses in the most disastrous natural calamity that struck Japan on March 11. By the giant earthquake and huge tsunami, the number of missing and dead reached more than twenty and several thousands, that was only counted as valid, and it is said that this number may increase considerably. As Japanese, I feel heartbreaking grief and I have been moved by the predicament of the surviving sufferers physically and mentally.
Kikunosuke the owner of tempura is also Japanese. So we set boxes to collect contributions to the suffered countrymen, at the entrance of tempura and middle of the bridge.
The breakdown of the corrected money as of July 31 is shown below.

Total amount of two boxes set at the entrance and the middle of the bridge:
L$ 147358
Exchange rate: US$ 1.00 = L$ 248
L$ 147,358 --US$ 572.64
Exchange rate as of 2011-8-11: 1 US$ = 76.58 Yen
US$ 592 --43,803 Japanese Yen
The Japanese Yen of 45.803 is rounded to 50,000 Yen with kikunosuke’s own money added, and was sent to Japanese Red Cross Society.
Please confirm it with the transfer record attached below.

Here let me repot that your voluntary contribution has been sent to the sufferers.
We express our great appreciation for all contributors
こんにちわ tempuraシムofficerのchikae ellaです。

入り口と橋の中心部においてあった二つのdonation boxの合計
為替レート:US$1.00 = 248L$
147358L$→ US$ 572.64
2011・08・11の為替レート1ドル=76.58 円
572.ドル → 日本円43,803円

chikae ella