Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tempura family members part 7 Arisara Ethaniel

Q1. Please introduce yourself.

hi,I'm Arisara Ethaniel,Tempura Security :)
こんにちわ。 私はテンプラセキュリティのArisara Ethanielです。:)

Q2. Please describe the reason why you applied for tempura security.

I'm one of the many of people come here often when have free time.
I spent time in tempura a long time feel like home .I'm glad honored
of tempura security team .I always feel peace and happy although here laggy so much.


Q3. What do you think the goodness of tempura is?

Goodness of tempura is best for relax place ,good music ,amazing place through
the design and construction have delicate and uniqueness perfectly in second life


Q4. What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?

Everything will change in everyday nobody cannot control what happen
to each other day in tempura. Many friendships begin from here ,exchange
to opinion and life,and help everything when i can.


Q5. Please have your say to kikunosuke the owner.

i'm glad to meet kikunosuke. The results will tell itself that Artist elegant or not.
In creating the task.You can show your talent. You are one of the artists who are successful truly in second life.I feel appreciate in your work.You have a good mind and kindness person.That is the nature of your identity.


A letter from chikae to arisara

When I talked to you at the first time was at a new-year photo shooting of tempura family. Since I noticed that a person from Southeast Asia had signed up for the tempura security, I developed my interest in what kind of girl she was. You did not have clothing at that time, and I send you cloth for a daughter of mountain priest that I thought that would fit you. You primped it very well.

Since them you started to come to tempura with sophisticated clothing or cute RP dress.

I started understanding that you are polite, delicate, and chic artist. So this time I asked you to take photograph by yourself. That is a passionate picture fitting you. I saw well how you were enjoying shooting. Please keep visiting tempura whenever you have time, and protect tempura with feeling relieved.





model Arisara Ethaniel chikae ella
Photograph by Arisara Ethaniel (tempura, Security )

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Avatars that visit tempura---ACT 1

Hi, this is chikae,ella tempura SIM officer.

Tempura is a world of love and healing that has been created in SL world by the owner kikunosuke. The concept is a fusion of Post Renaissance and Mandala, the paradise of Buddhism. That is an amalgam of East and West, and also a sanctuary with exuberant ultimate beauty.
Now there are amazingly many peoples are visiting Tempura every day, and the high traffic is contributing to development of SL world.
In this blog, we acquainted the SIM, staffs, and goods at mandala, a shop owned by kikunosuke.
Now as a new program, let me introduce avatars that visit tempura in this blog, in articles titled as ‘A hundred avatars in Tempura’.
This is the ACT-1 of the series. Please enjoy watching good boys and girls coming to Tempura from all over the world.

こんにちわ、tempuraシムオフィサーの chikae,ella です。




You can encounter a dragon, since this is a place of adventure and also tolerance.

To live in SL is to live a life with a lot of incitement and amusement.

Frivol life is a life, and joyful one is another. So why don’t we devote ourselves to the life with pleasure?

If there is a thing that cannot be controlled even with all effort, people forget it to feel relieved.

The rain fall over everyone’s life, but the sky over Tempura is always clear. It will be lingering glow in the evening sky.

A flower’s life is short, but she never gives mouth to a complaint and blossoms out in all glory.

The today in SL is the first day of your remaining life.

Youth is short. Let us enjoy it as a precious treasure.

Than be suffering with remembering past hardship, better be smiling with forgetting it at tempura.

Your dream will never go away. Tempura will let you see the continuance.

A half of the life is for agony in RL, and the rest half, SL, is set to heal the agony in RL.

Time passes at different speed according to each person, but SL is a fairyland that can stop the time forever.

After any painful separation, there will be a flower of life named ‘tomorrow’ blooms in tempura.

The most peaceful and pure pleasure is a rest at tempura after a hard work.

If you try, you can make it. An encounter in tempura might change your life.

You only get one life. Think only bout this present moment…

To be able to say simply beautiful what is beautiful, your mind saying that is most beautiful.

Let us gather a lot of small happiness. It will be a large cluster of happiness in time

Keep smiling. Smile is most important for human.

Let’s sprinkle and share with us all the scent of happiness that is in the air of tempura. The fragrance of love is inexhaustible.

Photograph by kitori.yuheng(tempura, Security ,manager)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Donations for Japan Earthquake Victims

Hi, this is chikae,ella tempura SIM officer.

As you may know, Japan had heavily losses in the most disastrous natural calamity that struck Japan on March 11. By the giant earthquake and huge tsunami, the number of missing and dead reached more than twenty and several thousands, that was only counted as valid, and it is said that this number may increase considerably. As Japanese, I feel heartbreaking grief and I have been moved by the predicament of the surviving sufferers physically and mentally.

Kikunosuke the owner of tempura is also Japanese. So we set boxes to collect contributions to the suffered countrymen, at the entrance of tempura and middle of the bridge.

The breakdown of the corrected money as of July 31 is shown below.

Total amount of two boxes set at the entrance and the middle of the bridge:
L$ 147358

Exchange rate: US$ 1.00 = L$ 248
L$ 147,358 --US$ 572.64

Exchange rate as of 2011-8-11: 1 US$ = 76.58 Yen
US$ 592 --43,803 Japanese Yen

The Japanese Yen of 45.803 is rounded to 50,000 Yen with kikunosuke’s own money added, and was sent to Japanese Red Cross Society.

Please confirm it with the transfer record attached below.

Here let me repot that your voluntary contribution has been sent to the sufferers.
We express our great appreciation for all contributors

こんにちわ tempuraシムofficerのchikae ellaです。




入り口と橋の中心部においてあった二つのdonation boxの合計


為替レート:US$1.00 = 248L$

147358L$→  US$ 572.64

2011・08・11の為替レート1ドル=76.58 円
572.ドル → 日本円43,803円



chikae ella

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tempura family members part 6:MAXINE89 Foxdale

Q1. Please introduce yourself
Q1. 貴方の自己紹介をしてください。

Hi! I am Maxine89 Foxdale, Tempura Agent.
こんにちわ。私はテンプラエージェントのMaxine89 Foxdaleです。

Q2. Please describe the reason why you applied for tempura security.
Q2. 貴方がtempuraのセキュリティに応募した理由を述べてください。

" Home is a place where all journeys begin" My secondlife journey began when I was welcomed by
Kiku,(as we fondly call him) and Chikae as a Tempura Family member.

I was a newbie trying to find my way around sl,when I landed on a sim called Tempura Island.
A sim like no other, I would best describe Tempura as a mix of everything that is art showcased
in a virtual world.

Visits to Tempura became a daily habit,something I have managed to do in between works.(My rl
requires 2-3 hours doing research work on the internet) On ocassion, I would log in sl and
listen to Tempura's stream while working on my school paper.

During one of my visits to the sim, I spotted a beautiful woman standing a mile away from me.
I sent her an IM expressing my intention to work for Tempura. I was clueless that later on she
would be my boss and sl sister Chikae Ella.

「ホームは、すべての旅の始まるところ」 私のセカンドライフの旅はKiku(私たちは彼のことを親しみを込めてそう呼んでいます)と、Chikaeにテンプラファミリーメンバーとして迎えていただいたときから始まりました。



このSIMに来ていたある日、かなり離れたところに立っているきれいな女性を眼にしました。私は彼女にIMを送り、テンプラで働きたいと伝えました。後に彼女が私の上司でありSLの姉妹となったChikae Ellaだとは全く知らなかったのです。

Q3. What do you think the goodness of tempura is?
Q3. tempuraの良い所は何だと思いますか?

The serenity and tranquility that I experience in Tempura separates me from my wordly concerns,from anxieties and worries and keeps me at peace mentally.The positive energy that the sim exudes not only sends me back to real life renewed,
but it also has a wonderful effect of putting all the tiny niggles of my everyday existence firmly back into perspective.


Q4. What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?
Q4. tempuraで貴方が学んだこと、もしくは得たものは何ですか?

Tempura has given me the best gift - a home and a wonderful Secondlife family

Q5. Please have your say to kikunosuke the owner
Q5. オーナーのkikunosukeに、言いたいことを述べてください。

Talented,kind,generous,selfless-theres just too many words to describe Kiku.

If you are blessed with even one friend like him,as I am,you should be so lucky.

Thank you for being an awesome boss,friend and sl brother, YOU ROCK!!!


A letter from chikae to maxine

Meeting with you was an impact, because when I was in the flower field, you expressed your desire with brief and candid words. At that time, tempura was still at the development stage and the security system to protect the SIM was not established yet. I was standing at the entrance alone for a long time every day, but it was impossible to be there for twenty four hours. I needed a security from a country in other time zone, so I bit at the chance and decided to hire you.
You said you are a young man studying financial operation at collage. It should be a product of your young energy that made it possible to become a manager of a major grand of shoes together with managing tempura works in the meantime. It is a great pleasure to be able to get an honest, bright, and hardworking person like you as a family member.
It is all right that you spent your spare time among your busy schedule. Please keep protecting tempura. We all families would support your future.

chikae からmaxineへの手紙


model MAXINE89 Foxdale, chikae ella
Photograph by kitori.yuheng(tempura, Security ,manager)