Q1. Please introduce yourself.
Q 1,,,貴方の自己紹介をしてください。
Hi my name is Ivo Piers and i?m a security and dragon of Tempur
こんにちわ、私はテンプラのセキュリティでドラゴンのIvo Piersです。

Q2. Please describe the reason why you applied for tempura security.
Q 2,,,貴方がtempuraのセキュリティに応募した理由を述べてください。
I met a lot of good friends here and the more time i spent here the more spirit and kindness of tempura grow inside of me. I realize that i could help taking care of that atmosphere living here so i applied to the security work.

Q3. What do you think the goodness of tempura is?
Tempura not only is a wonderful land but is a mentality a different one. People come here just to do Tai chi or dance at the amazing palace or just sit on the woods and listening to the lovely stream that take them away from their problems for a while and being able to travel to a spiritual world away from the stress and problems of the real world. At the same time it provides a place here you can meet people from all over the world and after a while you can almost call them your Tempura family because they are always where for you when ever you need the most.

Q4. What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?
i found Tempura on my second day in sl and since that moment i knew that it would change my way of seeing things in a virtual word. A wonderful sim full with amazing places to be, alone or with company, people from all over the world had one thing in co mun just being at one place where you can forget you rl and let you mind open free. Found here lots of good and dear friends and its really an honor to belong to this amazing family.

Q5. Please have your say to kikunosuke the owner.
Kiku to us made this amazing place allowing us to stare this wonder of creation.
such a great person, long before i started a security i used to be a dragon here but i didn´t knew if i was allowed to be here with such avatar and i asked him permission he loved the avatar and gave me the Tempura Dragon Tag so these days im proud to say that im an Tempura Dragon on this amazing sim.
A letter from chikae to ivochikaeからivoへの手紙

It might be in summer 2008.
I and kikunosuke the owner made a field trip to the dragon SIM in SL. There we got to know (or encountered) several dragons. They soon started winging their way to tempura. Kikunosuke was fascinated with the gorgeous and confident flying and welcomed them by giving tags to some of them. Ivo was one of the dragons who were given the tag.
We know well that, by contrast with the fearful appearance of the avatar, ivo has actually very tender and delicate personality. When he flew to tempura, he gave a proof of his delicacy by selecting some places to rest out of the way of others. There is nobody who does not like him. We understand well that ivo is very busy in RL and cannot stay at tempura all the time as other securities, only flies in occasionally. Even so we are proud of your existence.
Please call in many friend dragons in order to make tempura more cheerful and joyful paradise.
model Ivo Piers chikae ella
Photograph by arisara.ethaniel(tempura photographer, Security )