We are JAM.
Have you been to TEMPURA yet?
Once you TP in TEMPURA, you may think, “Wow, this is heavy. Cannot see anything...". But, please be patient. Just wait a couple of minutes, then you will be in a beautiful sim.
Now, as you could see around, let your adventure of TEMPURA begins.
First, you see a big bridge in front of you, so,cross the bridge.
You will be amazed by the great landscape.
There are two big ponds on both side of the bridge, and a big circle floating in one of the two ponds.
Step into the circle, and then you will see some balls: meditation balls.

I am sure you will be surprised at sitting there ! Beyond expression !
It is nice the flowers are growing up and down repeatedly.
why don't you meditate? why don't you make friends with everyone?
how about changing your stressful mind to relaxed mind with nice music?
But, don't stay here too long, because you may sleep down in relaxing.

まずは、左側におりてみよう。なにやらBallがみえる。Meditation Ballだよ。
そこに座ってみるとビックリ! なんていうのか、成長する草花が変化してきれいなんだ!
ここで、少し瞑想してはどうかな? 友達を見つけに来るのもいいかも!
photograph by kikunosuke Eel