Sunday, May 3, 2015

Memorial greetings from the family and guests for the 7-th Anniversary of Tempura !


Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Your Tempura will celebrate the 7th birthday on May 25.

There will be several commemorative events.
Here the Tempura blog as per usual, the tempura families will appear.
The family members are supporting tempura as volunteers, important fellows with benevolent affections.


Now, as a special event---

Special guests who are linked by fate with Tempura will be asked to come on stage.
The greetings by the families and guests will be posted in sequence. 
Please looking forward to.


Special guest Part 1

Skip Staheli - Awarded and top SL photographer owner of  "Purple Cow" photo studio.
数々の受賞経験のあるSLトップの写真家 ,写真スタジオの所有者の牛"

Wow.. Tempura... 7 years!!!  That's a lifetime in SL, isnt it..  <3  
I have my 8th SL birthday, also in, I can say, I followed Tempura right
from the beginning..  And its absolutely there, in the beginning, I have spend so many precious moments at this so breathtaking magical place.
It was back in 2008/2009 when I had my first footsteps in SL photography, that I explored at Tempura, alone or with loved ones... And those memories are
such treasures, captured not only in photographs but so very much also in my heart <3
To be honest, cause of busy busy photography, I did forget a little bit about exploring, and therefor also about Tempura.. Recently I found it back again.. and it didnt loose a bit of her magic and warmth... 

With the mystic dreamy, asian feel, the warm tones and captivating so soothing music.. for me a place to unwind and reflect the day..

Thanks Tempura and its fantastic team for giving this gem ánd work of art,  to  all of us to enjoy...

Happy Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart.. and here's to many more years to come! 

Cheers!  <3

ワォ!Tempura・・・7周年!SLでは一生と言える程の長い期間でしょう。私も5月にSLで8年目の誕生日を迎えます。ですからTemupuraが始まった頃から知っていると言えます。 そして当初はその息を呑むような魔法の場所で多くの貴重な時間を過ごしました。私が2008年から2009年にSLの写真業界への最初の一歩を踏み出した頃に独りで、若しくは愛する人々とTempuraを探検しました。その思い出たちは、写真の中に収められただけではなく、私の心の中でも非常に大切な宝物です。正直に言うと、写真撮影で非常に忙しく、私はSLを探検するという事を少し忘れていました。Tempuraの事もです。最近、ふと思い出し訪れてみましたが、少しもその魔法とぬくもりを失ってはいませんでした。私にとっては、神秘的で夢のようなアジアの感覚、暖かい色調、そして魅惑的な心地よい音楽と共にくつろぎ、1日を振り返る場所です。

Skip Staheli

photo by : Skip Staheli

Special guest Part 2

ღ ʝօ૮ɨɛ (jocelyn79) Tempura dear guest

I still remember, The first time I came to Tempura..
I thought wow! So beautifully made..
I walked to the Tai Chi circle and just enjoyed all the beauty and warmth around me.

I can still close my eyes and smile thinking back because it was in Tempura that I met my closest friends. and with time, They became like family to me... It was also here that my best adventures took place. <333333

Tempura holds so many wonderful memories to me and to so many other people as well..
Bringing Magic and a sense of "home" to so many of us. I am merely just one of the many that can call it home..

Its beauty.. magic and all the wonderful people in Tempura has made it even more amazing.. so Thank You Kiku and Polly and all of you that have taken part of keeping Tempura here for all of us to enjoy as we do.. So with great pride.. I will stand on the roof of Tempura, dancing and shouting!

"Happy Birthday Tempura!!!!


photo by: Tina Palfrey

Ivo Piers (Tempura security and DRAGON)

HI everyone once more we celebrate another Tempura birthday and seems like it was yesterday since i´ve arrived to this wonderful place.
Year after year our family grows, new people come to explore this amazing place and somehow Tempura embraces them in such a way that they feel like us this amazing magic that exists.
Once more thanks to my dearest's friends Kikunosuke Eel, Chichae Ella and of course my lovelly Polly for letting this Dragon fly free above this land.

Happy Birthday Tempura !

もう一度、私の親愛なる友人、Kikunosuke Eel、Chikae Ella、そして勿論、このドラゴンをこの土地の上で自由に飛ばせてくれた私の可愛いPollyにお礼を言います。

photo by: Bell Domi Devil´s

Autor: Chikae Ella