Hi, this is chikae ella, the Tempura SIM officer.
A new year of Tempura was kicked off by a big photo session by staffs.
They were required to gather together at the Autumn Forest of Tempura, with Japanese kimono or similar clothing, at the time kikunosuke designated. Anyway we would like to shoot pictures that are bright in Japanese way that would be suitable for the new year.
All of them were wonderfully deft and neat. Naturally there were some missing staffs. Since the Tempura staffs are from all over the world now, they are living in different time zone or circumstances did not allow, and some of them were not able to make it.
Eventually, the photo shooting was done in two days. All of us renewed vows to continue to protect and foster Tempura.
Everyone in the world, please cherish Tempura for a long time.

こんにちわ tempuraシムオフィサーのchikae ella です。

撮影 kikunoseke eel
kikunosuke eel chikae ella romi7777 .doobie Polly Reina xxMikexx Bebb
Kitori Yuheng Calypso Applewhyte Keiko Oppewall Chi Anthony Maestro Quartz arisara.ethaniel