The Best Of SL February Issue(Cliclk to Enlarge)
Hi, this is chikae ella, the officer of Tempura SIM.
The REDGRAVE designer emilia redgrave and the Tempura owner Kikunosuke Eel are closely connected. When Kikunosuke was running at capacity as a photographer in 2008, emilia made an offer to shoot photograph for poster that would adorn the entrance of her newly opened shop.
This work resulted in success and made a big step for Kikunosuke to expand his activities further as a professional photographer. Since then he did many works for emilia.
Now Kikunosuke is not accepting photograph jobs officially since he has been busy in the RL, but emilia released new skins for male and a picture of the skin was selected as the cover of Best of SL Magazine, and she asked Kikunosuke for the shooting. Kikunosuke cannot refuse the request by emilia herself. So it became a reality to see Kikunosuke and emilia redgrave in one shot on the cover of the current issue of Best of SL Magazine. Please take a close look with interest.
こんにちわ。てんぷらシムオフィサーのchikae ellaです。
REDGRAVEのデザイナーemilia redgraveとtempuraオーナーKikunosuke Eelの縁は浅からぬものがあります。
しかしemiliaが新しい男性用スキンを発売するに当たり、そのスキンをベストオブSLマガジンのカバーのために撮影することになりました。ほかならぬemiliaの依頼は断れません。かくして、今月号のベストオブSLマガジンのカバーで、Kikunosukeとemilia redgraveの2ショツトが実現しました。とくとごらんください。
Model:emilia redgrave,kikunosuke eel
Photograph by kikunosuke eel