Hi, this is chikae ella, Tempura SIM officer.
Now Tempura is a high-traffic SIM from more than fifty countries all over the world. When this SIM was opened in last May, no one expected the high-traffic like this, and the administration was done by a few Japanese staffs only. But since the fourth month from the opening, many guests started coming from four corners of the glove, and accordingly the management job was increased drastically.
Although the majority of the guests are of high morals, and love and enjoy Tempura, but there are some exceptions who do not follow the rules and disturb other guests. The staffs were not able to handle the work and had a hard time, but almost like a God’s gift, some people, who would like to do their part in security at Tempura, appeared.
More importantly, they came from various countries of the world. Since we had had a tough time in language problems, we were so pleased and welcomed them with open arms. This time, I would introduce the security staffs at Tempura, who are all dependable good fellows.
Mr. romi77779 Doobie
Not to mention, he is the first staff from overseas, from the West Asia. He said he was taught about Tempura by his real-life brother who was also enjoying the second life. He has been proposing many ideas to make TEMPURA better. He is a good guy with full of caring and kindness
Ms. MAXINE89 Foxdale
She is studying financial business in the west coast of the U.S.A. She applied for the security job since she loved Tempura and wanted to work there. She is always wearing elegant fashion. (Especially the shoes! She wears wonderful ones all the time.)
Ms. gwannelle Eleonara
A lady from France. She is very intellectual and active, and a tuff lady also working as a security in other SIM. She is getting a fashionable styling of her own, and also loves Japanese Kimono.
Ms. Shoopoo Shinji
She had been a steady customer at TEMPURA. She is taking pictures and sends them to me at all times. Surprisingly, she is also a princess at Narnia SIM in SL. She is a very tender-heated, adult female. She is a French.
Mr. Basem Adamczyk
He is an Egyptian. His rugged features and body style could be the best for the security job. It is said that possible violators often run away by only seeing his appearance. Such a dependable person, but very compassionate gentleman.
Ms. Chi Anthony
From Netherlands. Very gentle, amiable, and sensible. she had been visiting Tempura and was discovered by romi7779. A white hope for the future activities.
Ms. Susha Revestel
She is an Portuguese.She has newly joined in the staff. She said she loves Tempura, and understands the importance of the security work here. It is expected to grow by following a lead of senior members.
Ms. Polly Reina
She joined our group most recently, but she is a top veteran among the security members regarding the SL lifetime. She likes Tempura, and visited here often. She has many friends, it may be because of her gentle personality. She aspired to be a security at Tempura, and sent her resume to the owner. Now she is hired and expected to push forward with her work enthusiastically. She is a Macedonian.
As you know, the Linden set a rule that prohibits activities not to be done in SL.
In addition, there are local rules especially set for Tempura. In the Tempura SIM, these local rules are prioritized over the Linden rules. So, if someone felt uncomfortable by instruction by the Tempura security and sent a report to Linden, Linden would not accept such claim.
In order to keep a comfortable place for you all, your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
::: てんぷらのセキュリティたち :::こんにちわ てんぷらシムオフィサーのchikae ella です。
romi77779 Doobieさん。
MAXINE89 Foxdaleさん。
gwannelle Eleonaraさん。
Shoopoo Shinjiさん。
Basem Adamczykさん。
Chi Anthonyさん。
Susha Revestelさん。
Polly Reinaさん。
Photograph by kikunosuke Eel