This is chikae ella, an officer of TEMPURA SIM. As you may noticed if you have visited TEMPURA once, TEMPURA is a nonprofit-making, absolute volunteer SIM.
No camp, no store, and no land lease at all. And there is no event except for some extraordinary reason. TEMPURA is a dream world where the guests can come up with an act and adventure freely by themselves.
There are excellent creators among the guests, and they provide us with many good advises. And some of them propose to put their works put in TEMPURA.
Mr. romi77779Doobie is one of them. The meditation cushion presented by him is now set at the round table that is at counter side of the Tai Chi section. This place was a club before, now it gets reincarnated as a place for meditation, which is well adequate for TREMPURA that pursues healing.
To match the round table with the rainbow flower floating, the color of cushion was changed also to rainbow colors by the owner. Please restore your spirits for tomorrow, through a deep meditation here.
:: てんぷらの新名所 ::
てんぷらシムオフサーのchikae ella です。1度でもてんぷらにいらした方はご存知と思いますが、てんぷらは営利目的のない完全なボランティアシムです。
photograph by kikunosuke Eel