Q1. Please introduce yourself.
Q 1,,,貴方の自己紹介をしてください。
My name is Waterlilly (Lilly) Aabye, Tempura Security.
私はテンプラセキュリティのWaterlilly (Lilly) Aabyeです。

Q2. Please describe the reason why you applied for tempura security.
Q 2,,,貴方がtempuraのセキュリティに応募した理由を述べてください。
More than two years ago a friend gave me a landmark, which turned out to be the landmark of Tempura Island. Since then I have frequently visited this beautiful sim and made many friends during my stay. The more time I spent in Tempura the more the place enchanted me and finally I felt that after a long journey in SL, I'd arrived home. One day my close friends (Polly and Romi) told me that there was a chance to join the Tempura Family and I applied for the Security position without hesitation. It is a wonderful possibilty to contribute towards the welcoming atmosphere of Tempura and I am really happy and proud of being a member of the Tempura Family.

Q3.. What do you think the goodness of tempura is?
I have been thinking about this question for a long time. From my perspective the Goddess of Tempura is a very complex and fragile entity. She includes the "goddess" that exists inside each and every visitor who enters the sim as well as the deity dwelling in every detail of the island. Tempura reflects the noble and pure personality of the person who created it.
The duality means that we are all responsible for keeping the Goddess of Tempura alive and we all should follow the rules of Tempura so as not to disturb peace and tranqulity of the place. A peace and tranquility you will experience when you wander with friends or with someone special. Through the Goddess of Tempura you can reconnect with your long forgotten inner goddess and experience one of SL's most exhilarating and spiritual places.

Q4. What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?
Arriving at Tempura I immediately get absorbed in its unique and magical atmosphere forgetting the problems that bother me in Rl. Tempura has given me so many wonderful friends, unforgettable memories and countless happy and cheerful moments that I am eternally grateful for. I have learnt how to leave the daily grind at the doorstep while doing tai-chi or having a conversation with a friend. I have realised there are times when you have to slow down and focus on your inner self to improve the person you are.
Tempura has a diverse, international community so one is open-minded and equiring they can learn a lot about the lives and customs of people who they would never meet in perso.

Q5. . What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?
First of all I would like to thank Kikunosuke for having accepted me as a family member and to express my gratitude to him for trusting and giving me the responsibility to work as a security member.
I would like to congratulate him on creating such a breathtakingly beautiful sim like Tempura Island and designing Mandala Jewelry.

May this old Irish blessing be my gift for him :
„May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!”
A letter from chikae to Waterlilly
chikaeから Waterlillyへの手紙

In year 2007, I entered SL for news gathering. While doing research for constructing tempura partly for a lot of pleasure in SL, one of my friends told me about existence of a legendary fairy. The friend said that she is well known among the fairy world and is beloved of all fellow fairies through the tender character. The long name Waterlilly.Aabye was also impressive. I was very glad to see the heart-throb you started coming to tempura.
Frankly speaking I was very surprised when you applied for the security of tempura this year. Kikunosuke also had known you and was very glad to hear you joined, and gave you a tag of tempura elf that is most suitable for you. That was really a happy occasion. Your personality with full of love has been very well accepted among the family. I know that you are very busy in RL. It is OK to come whenever you have time to spare. Please do the security work at tempura with enjoyment.

model Waterlilly.Aabye chikae ella
Photograph by kitori.yuheng(tempura, Security M Ninja)