It could be said that a World Expo of human race is held at tempura, 24 hours a day, every day. From not only the familiar countries, but also less well known nations in the other side of the world, good ladies and gentlemen are coming to tempura expecting meeting or healing. As I mentioned before, there is no boarder here. This is a dreamy paradise where human being living in planet earth can meet each other quickly.
Now here is the stage for you all, who really loves tempura. Now let me present the ACT3 of “A Hundred Avatars in Tempura”. Welcome you all to the beautiful tempura!
tempura アバター百景-----その3
こんにちわ、tempuraシムオフィサーの chikae,ella です。

Now you can get reincarnated as “a happy person”, in tempura with overflowing love…

Tempura is the place to pray devoutly for good person who believe in gods. The pray will transpierce the sky as a spark of light.

Any person may commit mistakes, but only a fool adheres the mistake.

There are two types of love, one is “Natural love belongs to all creations in the universe, ant the other is “Love springing from one’s own free will” coming out from human soul.

The person who loves will be integrated into the one who is loved. The only thing there is a relief with a simple heart.

The beautiful, charming, pretty, and benignant as God. That is you now in love.

Like a fountain with strong, exuberant and cleanest water, my love is spouting up in the air.

Everyone can forgive and forget bitter history, and become friendly again. That is the tempura magic.

I am lying in the bosom of eternal world. Tempura is the bosom.

The life is a short lived dream that shall vanish away in time. For this reason, let us subsist without wasting the present moment.

Let others talk about sin and evil. We, fulfilling love at tempura, are the happiest in the world.

The amazing kindness of friends gathering at tempura brought me the happiness.

Regardless of age, human beings are fragile in love.

To deliver a healing light to the depth of injured persons, that is what tempura should do.

All my imagination, dream, passion, energy, and adoration cannot be separated from you. My whole life is only existing for you.

Arts are things that nature made. Tempura made by human is further ultimate art.

Male, female, and all animals can enjoy equally. Tempura is a paradise of liberty for all living things.

We are qualified to receive love. Tempura is the place with full of chance for that.

I will never let loose love. I will chase you up to tempura.

A woman’s mind is a deepest riddle that will not be solved all through the ages.
Photograph by kitori.yuheng(tempura, Security M Ninja)