Q1. Please introduce yourself.
hello, I'm xxMikexx Bebb. Tempura island of security M.
Q 1,,,貴方の自己紹介をしてください。
こんにちわ。私はTempura islandのセキュリティMの、xxMikexx Bebbです。
Q2. Please describe the reason why you applied for tempura security.
I applied for came in tempura security for these reasons. I always felt in peace with tempura island, I live there, and the team tempura island is wonderful. I quickly realized that tempura island, would become my home. when I'm in tempura island, I breathe. I never find a place where I feel so good.
Tempura island gave me a family. With this family I learned english i can speack now.
Tempura island every day gives me a ray of sunshine in my life. sure, now I could not live without my family and tempura island.
I like tempura island and everything in it.

Q 2,,,貴方がtempuraのセキュリティに応募した理由を述べてください。
Q3. What do you think the goodness of tempura is?
I'm 38 and I live in Switzerland. I love traveling, talking with people and offer help if I can.
I have a lot of humor and I try to see positive things. If I can give a smile to someone so I'm happy. I am on second life for 4 years and world continues to amaze me.

Q4. What have learnt from tempura, or what did you get at tempura?
I gave 1000 thanks for all that tempura island gives me
Q5. Please have your say to kikunosuke the owner.
I also met a great man to tempura island. Kikunosuke Eel, the owner and creator of this world. A man with a big heart of a great generosity. A great artist so amazing. i want give, my time, my help and that they all can to protect his art, his land and his person.
I could never tolerate someone wants to harm him and I will always do !


A letter from chikae to maike.
In Japan, there is a cognomen ‘Yancha-bozu” that means mischievous boy, brat. That word is also a pet name of a boy six to seven years old that is the most mischievous age. Mike, you look like an adult with a heart of brat as if you have grew up keeping it just as it was.

You are entirely tender to ladies and a gentleman with a lot of love affairs.
Also you are enjoying the SL through challenging various things. I have heard that you are fascinated with kikunosuke the owner and trying to be the same as him by obtaining the same shape, skin, and clothing. The effort should be remarkable. I, kikunosuke, and other tempura families cannot help feeling that such your activities are very cute. Please keep being a brat in tempura. Our friendship will continue forever.

オーナーのkikunosukeに心酔していて、kikunosukeそっくりになろうと、シェイプもスキンも服彼とも同じものをそろえているようですね^^。その努力は並大抵ではないでしょう。 そんなあなたの行動を私もkikunosukeもtempuraの家族も、とても可愛いと思ってしまいます。どうぞこれからもtempuraのやんちゃ坊主でいてください。、私たちの友情はされに長く続くでしょう。

xxmikexx.bebb(tempura, Security ,manager)
chikae ella
Photograph by kitori.yuheng(tempura, Security ,manager)