Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Looking down Tempura from the sky
Hi everyone, this is chikae ella, the Tempura SIM officer.
If you would look down Tempura from the sky, it could be thought that words of Gods are drifting over Tempura being borne on the breeze of the roof of heaven.
The words will spread over the human world as the “voice” from heaven.
Peoples tend to quote the voice from heaven for proverbs or parables by way of warning for themselves.
In Japan, there are many proverbs started with the word heaven.
Heaven does not have mouth, lets human say. (Since the heaven does not have mouth, it lets human to express its thinking using his mouth instead.)
In heaven and earth, only I am precious. (It means that, among everything in heaven and earth, only I myself is precious.)
Heavenly simplicity (innocent, bright, and ingenuous)
Heaven’s way never kills person. (God possess breadth of mind and will never abandon human.)
Heaven and earth are taking turn. (Everyone could have his turn to get a chance in the world.)
Spit to heaven. (If you do things for other person with evil intent, the mischief will return toward you.)
Birds with sharing wings in heaven, Trees with joining branches in earth. (Saying to express deep love of married couple.)
Heaven’s prescription (Heaven will deliver fortune to person who did good deed, and punishment to the one who did bad.)
Heaven’s horse goes across the sky. (It means fully fancy-free and nothing can stop.)
Heaven will help someone who helps himself. (Heaven will support self-dependent and hard working person.)
These sayings could be summarized as that heaven (God) knows all along and is always looking after us from the sky.
Tempura is built based on a picture of mandala where the Buddha lives.
The beauty and mystique of it can be watched from the sky without any change.
You all, please visit Tempura, and enjoy Tempura also from the sky.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter
皆さんこんにちわ。tempuraシムオフィサーのchikae ellaです。
Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter
Chikae Ella
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
AVENUE Magazine December 2010
Hi there,
Kikunosuke's article is published in magazine"AVENUE Magazine Dec/2010"
please check the below...
Kikunosuke Eel
-Shows His Sensitive Side-
[click to enlarge]
Letter to Polly Reina
Dear Polly Reina:
It may be one and half year ago when I talked to you at the first time, that was when you applied for the tempura security job. You had been visiting tempura frequently by that time. I was very grad that you applied for the job.
What really got to me was your passionate devotion to tempura. You took more time than any other securities to protect tempura. You were modest and quiet at the first time, but through the job, you blossomed out gradually into a reliable guardian who expresses yourself firmly.
Polly Reinaへ、、、
貴方と初めて話したのは、あなたがtempuraのセキュリティに応募してきてくれた1年半ぐらい前だったでしょうか。あなたは、それまでにも頻繁にtempura に遊びに来てくれていましたね。私は貴方が応募してくれてとてもうれしかったのです。
You and I now became friends breaking the linguistic barrier and established really trusting relationship as a tempura family. I render thanks to God that I, living in a country of rising sun, was able to get to know you from a small country in Europe.
Needless to add, I have had a sense of gratitude by the same token for all security members working for tempura. Although the encounter is through avatars in a virtual world, the heart is from real human mind itself.
I believe that the current glory of tempura is based on the guarding attitude of securities with full of love and dedication.
So, with great thanks, I would like to ask all securities to participate in this blog and to talk about diverse range of subjects, starting in January next year. Also it is only asked securities who would like to accept the participation. I would also ask you to participate in this blog again.
You have now built up trust among all of us and became a tempura officer. I think you are quite deserved to the title. Please continue to be a good our family member.
I will send this letter with love.
tempura officer chikae ella
tempura officer chikae ella
Model:Polly Reina,Chikae Ella
Photograph by kikunosuke Eel
Chikae Ella
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tempura Local Rule
(Please get in touch with Tempura staff if you find any acts of violation, preferably with snapshots and chat log.)
1. Use of weapon of any kind. (Unless the object is used only for accessory-purpose.)
2. Any act of harassment (Ex. Stalking, verbal abuse with obscene expressions, etc )
3. Being naked in public. (You may be warned with transparent outfit or lingerie.) It is, however, allowed to stay naked in private rooms.
4. Use of copy-bot. Any physical attack to the sim with bot.
5. Use of huge particles
6. Unpleasant looking avatar of any kind (Ex. Bloody avatar or with stabbed knife, or invisible avatar, etc. )
7. Vehicles are prohibited at Tempura, such as motor cycle, automobile, skate,skateboard, wheel chair, or other vehicles that move at speed. Violators may be subject to punishment
8. Any curse/swear words or expressions in public. No shouting or use of discriminatory terms allowed.
9. Any spamming act. (Ex. Any promotional act or invitation to group/event )
10. Any unpleasant, harsh, brutal act of role play
(A==A Blood-sucking RP is prohibited in Tempura. A vampire is welcome to come and enjoy Tempura, but he might be subject to punishment if he did suck blood.)
(B== It is absolutely prohibited to role-play a master-and-slave in the yard or hall of TEMPURA.) Basically, RP is not allowed in Tempura but in private rooms as far as it doesn’t cause any nuisance to other visitors.
11. Any use of script or HUD which causes lag to the SIM is prohibited.
12. Any act of escort or soliciting.
13. TEMPURA SIM prohibits any group tag or floating text that contains sexual meaning such as, including but not limited to, “Escort”, “BDSM”, “Free sex”, or “erotic”. Also these words are prohibited in the display name.
14. TEMPURA Not allow use of baby-avatar, child-avatar. Please change your avatar in adults. Adults will be allowed.
15. The tempura stuff has the right to refuse admittance of “any avatar that is judged to be harmful to tempura, and also the fellow of them”.
16. Any act or event that is considered inadequate by Tempura staff.
Please follow the rules mentioned here below when you go into the ball room.
=== BALLROOM Rules ===
1. Do not interfere with the guests dancing in the ball room.
2. Do not make any unpleasant chat through main chat that spoils the party.
3. Away from keyboard is not allowed in the hall.
4. When you propose dancing, please use IM. Making a pass aggressively is prohibited.
5. Any behavior that unfits the ball room such as drunk or dirty animation is prohibited.
6. Huge avatar is prohibited.
7. A large object such as horse or vehicle is not allowed to wear in the room.
8. Large particles are prohibited.
9. Any clothing that unfits the ball room is prohibited (such as swimming trunks only).
As you know, the Linden set a rule that prohibits activities not to be done in SL.
In addition, there are local rules especially set for Tempura. In the Tempura SIM, these local rules are prioritized over the Linden rules. So, if someone felt uncomfortable by instruction by the Tempura security and sent a report to Linden, Linden would not accept such claim.
In order to keep a comfortable place for you all, your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
Tempura Staff
1. 武器を使うのを禁止します。手に持っている時点で違反の対象とします。(アクセサリーとして身につけるのはOK)
2. セクハラ行為。(強引なナンパ。執拗に追い回す。性的なことを公然の場で話す。などなど)
3. 裸でガーデンを歩き回る。裸に近い服装も場合によっては注意されることがあります。(透ける素材。ランジェリー姿、など)TEMPURAにはいくつかの個室があります。その中で裸になることは許可します。
4. コピーボットの使用。ボットを使っての攻撃。
5. 巨大なパーティクルの使用。
6. 不快なアバターの使用。(気持ち悪い物を身につける。血まみれ。体にナイフを刺しているなどなど)インビシブルアバターも禁止しております。
7. 自転車、バイク、車、スケート、ボードなどスピードの出る乗り物、お呼び車椅子などの使用は禁止されております。違反者は処分の対象となります。
8. 暴言を吐く。叫ぶ。差別的な表現を言う。
9. スパム行為。(SIM内での宣伝活動。イベント勧誘なども含みます。)
10. 残酷なRP,不快に感じるRP.
11. SIMに負担をかけるようなHUDやスクリプトの使用。
12. エスコート行為。客引き。応じた方も同じとみなします。
13. TEMPURA SIMでは[escort]「BDSM] [Free sex] [erotic] などの性的表現を含んだグループタグとディスプレイネームの表示を禁止しております。
14. てんぷらでは赤ちゃんと子供アバターの使用は許可されていません。大人のアバターにチェンジしてください。
15. tempuraスタッフが、「tempuraに対して害を与えていると判定したアバターとその仲間」の入場を禁止します。
16. テンプラスタッフが不適切だと判断した全ての事柄。
1. ボールルームで踊る来訪者の邪魔をしてはいけません。
2. 雰囲気を壊すような不快な会話をメインチャットでしてはいけません。
3. ホール内でのAWAYを禁止します。
4. ダンスの相手を誘うときはIMでお願いします。強引なナンパを禁止します。
5. ボールルームにそぐわない行動を禁止します。(よっぱらう、下品なアニメなど)
6. 巨大アバターによる進入を禁止します。
7. 馬、乗り物、など大きなオブジェクトを装着しての進入を禁止します。
8. ガーデンと同じく巨大なパーティクルを禁止します。
9. ボールルームにそぐわない服装を禁止します。(海水パンツ一枚など)
Tempura Staff
1. Use of weapon of any kind. (Unless the object is used only for accessory-purpose.)
2. Any act of harassment (Ex. Stalking, verbal abuse with obscene expressions, etc )
3. Being naked in public. (You may be warned with transparent outfit or lingerie.) It is, however, allowed to stay naked in private rooms.
4. Use of copy-bot. Any physical attack to the sim with bot.
5. Use of huge particles
6. Unpleasant looking avatar of any kind (Ex. Bloody avatar or with stabbed knife, or invisible avatar, etc. )
7. Vehicles are prohibited at Tempura, such as motor cycle, automobile, skate,skateboard, wheel chair, or other vehicles that move at speed. Violators may be subject to punishment
8. Any curse/swear words or expressions in public. No shouting or use of discriminatory terms allowed.
9. Any spamming act. (Ex. Any promotional act or invitation to group/event )
10. Any unpleasant, harsh, brutal act of role play
(A==A Blood-sucking RP is prohibited in Tempura. A vampire is welcome to come and enjoy Tempura, but he might be subject to punishment if he did suck blood.)
(B== It is absolutely prohibited to role-play a master-and-slave in the yard or hall of TEMPURA.) Basically, RP is not allowed in Tempura but in private rooms as far as it doesn’t cause any nuisance to other visitors.
11. Any use of script or HUD which causes lag to the SIM is prohibited.
12. Any act of escort or soliciting.
13. TEMPURA SIM prohibits any group tag or floating text that contains sexual meaning such as, including but not limited to, “Escort”, “BDSM”, “Free sex”, or “erotic”. Also these words are prohibited in the display name.
14. TEMPURA Not allow use of baby-avatar, child-avatar. Please change your avatar in adults. Adults will be allowed.
15. The tempura stuff has the right to refuse admittance of “any avatar that is judged to be harmful to tempura, and also the fellow of them”.
16. Any act or event that is considered inadequate by Tempura staff.
Please follow the rules mentioned here below when you go into the ball room.
=== BALLROOM Rules ===
1. Do not interfere with the guests dancing in the ball room.
2. Do not make any unpleasant chat through main chat that spoils the party.
3. Away from keyboard is not allowed in the hall.
4. When you propose dancing, please use IM. Making a pass aggressively is prohibited.
5. Any behavior that unfits the ball room such as drunk or dirty animation is prohibited.
6. Huge avatar is prohibited.
7. A large object such as horse or vehicle is not allowed to wear in the room.
8. Large particles are prohibited.
9. Any clothing that unfits the ball room is prohibited (such as swimming trunks only).
As you know, the Linden set a rule that prohibits activities not to be done in SL.
In addition, there are local rules especially set for Tempura. In the Tempura SIM, these local rules are prioritized over the Linden rules. So, if someone felt uncomfortable by instruction by the Tempura security and sent a report to Linden, Linden would not accept such claim.
In order to keep a comfortable place for you all, your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
Tempura Staff
1. 武器を使うのを禁止します。手に持っている時点で違反の対象とします。(アクセサリーとして身につけるのはOK)
2. セクハラ行為。(強引なナンパ。執拗に追い回す。性的なことを公然の場で話す。などなど)
3. 裸でガーデンを歩き回る。裸に近い服装も場合によっては注意されることがあります。(透ける素材。ランジェリー姿、など)TEMPURAにはいくつかの個室があります。その中で裸になることは許可します。
4. コピーボットの使用。ボットを使っての攻撃。
5. 巨大なパーティクルの使用。
6. 不快なアバターの使用。(気持ち悪い物を身につける。血まみれ。体にナイフを刺しているなどなど)インビシブルアバターも禁止しております。
7. 自転車、バイク、車、スケート、ボードなどスピードの出る乗り物、お呼び車椅子などの使用は禁止されております。違反者は処分の対象となります。
8. 暴言を吐く。叫ぶ。差別的な表現を言う。
9. スパム行為。(SIM内での宣伝活動。イベント勧誘なども含みます。)
10. 残酷なRP,不快に感じるRP.
11. SIMに負担をかけるようなHUDやスクリプトの使用。
12. エスコート行為。客引き。応じた方も同じとみなします。
13. TEMPURA SIMでは[escort]「BDSM] [Free sex] [erotic] などの性的表現を含んだグループタグとディスプレイネームの表示を禁止しております。
14. てんぷらでは赤ちゃんと子供アバターの使用は許可されていません。大人のアバターにチェンジしてください。
15. tempuraスタッフが、「tempuraに対して害を与えていると判定したアバターとその仲間」の入場を禁止します。
16. テンプラスタッフが不適切だと判断した全ての事柄。
1. ボールルームで踊る来訪者の邪魔をしてはいけません。
2. 雰囲気を壊すような不快な会話をメインチャットでしてはいけません。
3. ホール内でのAWAYを禁止します。
4. ダンスの相手を誘うときはIMでお願いします。強引なナンパを禁止します。
5. ボールルームにそぐわない行動を禁止します。(よっぱらう、下品なアニメなど)
6. 巨大アバターによる進入を禁止します。
7. 馬、乗り物、など大きなオブジェクトを装着しての進入を禁止します。
8. ガーデンと同じく巨大なパーティクルを禁止します。
9. ボールルームにそぐわない服装を禁止します。(海水パンツ一枚など)
Tempura Staff
Tempura Local Rule
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