Thursday, September 3, 2015

A notice from Tempura!


Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です。

A wonderful musician has just joined the Tempura family.
We'd like to introduce Karasu Songlark, a very popular DJ in SL.
Since last month, Karasu has played for our guests at the Tempura ball room as much as his time allows.
He is a very nice and gentle person, and he knows how to entertain guests very well with various genres of music. His DJ time will be sent to Tempura Island Group notice just before he plays. You can enjoy not only a couple's dance but a single's dance too with his gigantic collection of music. Come join us and have a great time with Karasu at the Tempura ball room.

karasu Songlarkさんをご紹介します。
彼のDJ時間は、その直前にtempura islandのグループに配信通告されます。


DJ Karasu Songlark

Hi, all. I'm Karasu Songlark. I'm a DJ. Now, I'm playing music at Tempura ball room.
I am also one of Tempura lovers who is attracted to Tempura, love and healing island.
One day, when I was relaxing at the ball room, I thought it would be nice if I could play here. So, I talked to Kikunosuke, the owner of Tempura, and Chikae, the officer, about this. Then they willingly accepted my request. I was very happy and honored. I hope all of you enjoy my music, and feel comfortable and relaxed.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you at the ball room in Tempura.

みなさん こんにちは
この度、JAPAN TEMPURA ボールルームのDJをさせて頂けることになったKrasu Songlarkです。
私も、癒しの空間としてJAPAN TEMPURAに魅せられた一人です。
ある日、JAPAN TEMPURAボールルームで心と身体を休めていた時、ふと
その気持ちを、JAPAN TEMPURAオーナーのkikunosukeさん・オフィサーのチカさんにお伝えしたところ、
私をJAPAN TEMPURAの家族として快く迎えて下さいました。本当に嬉しく思います。
JAPAN TEMPURA ボールルームで、みなさんをお待ちしています。

Karasu Songlark

photo by : Polly Reina ( TEMPURA Officer)
Author: Chikae ella