Thursday, September 11, 2014

Avatars that visit Tempura---ACT 46

Tempura アバター百景その46

Hi, this is Chikae ella Tempura SIM officer.
こんにちわ、Tempuraシムオフィサーの Chikae ella です

Hot summer has passed and now is a rip of fall.

Here we present Hundred Avatars at Tempura ACT46.

Polly’s photo technique has been improved further. She is also the guardian angel who never stops loving Tempura. Our family sincerely believe in and rely on her. She will keep cuddling the family and guests with her great heart.
Please thoroughly enjoy the art world of Polly.


Everyone comes into being from mother’s womb by oneself.  During the stay in this world, if lonesome boy and girl are able to live together while accepting each other, that will be the true love and should be the ultimate happiness as human being.

There is nothing in the instructive words of god that is absonant from reason. A love for animals is one of them.

 Let us consider what we should do.  Once you come to a resolution, you should try to put it in action without fail.

You are beautiful, pretty, and alluring.  Do not hurt a holly goddess.

I do not have pathos, work, or spirit, and was released from dedicated business.  Now I was provided a period of rest at Tempura.

I have a job that proves out my hope and talent.  I feel keenly the happiness when I relax at Tempura.

 Belief, love, and courage are the eternal adoration of human soul.

It is worthless to seduce me.  I know that your mind is only looking for playing.

Courage is a scale to measure a greatness of a man.  Whenever I get healed here, I feel my confidence and courage return.

Let us sing an endless song.  It means to sing in mind.  I love you.  Is your song singing a love for me?

Now I started loving you.  You are not aware that I have been watching you from distance.

Do not look at only sunny side.  Without watching the shadow part, you will overlook the truth.

Please look at me, love me, and cuddle me.  Give the eternal happiness only to me.

I believe your love and support.  So whatever pinch I were in, I would be able to start toward next war on the safe side.

Without erotic desire, no love will come into effect.  You are too sexy but cool.

You are beautiful.  You are intelligent and pure.  Love will be poured on you.  Gentlemen will be enslaved by you.

Silence is born form rack of sound, darkness is born from rack of light.  Only beauty and virtue exist on you.  There is a flower garden of light around you.

I want someone special.  Sure I will find one here.  Gentlemen with tender love, please see me.

Favorable fates will visit you every month.  But if you are not ready to welcome it, most of them will be overlooked.

A person who can enjoy his own act with his whole heart is happy.  You are enjoying this moment.

Photograph by: Polly Reina(TEMPURA ISLAND sim officer)
Author: Chikae ella