Hi. This is chikae Ella, the SIM officer.
I am working in mass communication media in the RL. It is a part of the job to write an article or to gather folk tales and interesting anecdotes from across the globe. One of the most attractive stories among them was a legendary corridor existing on an island in Southeast Asia.
The corridor is a tube-shaped tunnel formed by native vines of the island, about forty meters long. And there was a strict rule that should be observed by any person who passes through the corridor.
That is: Any male and female who meet each other in the corridor should cuddle and kiss together. Which is to say, for instance, a couple even facing opposition of those around, if they are coming in the corridor from opposite side and meet each other in the corridor, they are considered to be met in the corridor of the fortune and are allowed to get married.

Yes, this corridor was the blessed corridor of fortune where all loves bear fruit.
We thought to build this legendary corridor of love in Tempura. We thought that any love should be accomplished by passing through the corridor of love in Tempura, and all lovebirds all over the world become happy.
The Corridor Bridge that is in charge of love should be beautiful. It should be gorgeous, voluptuous, and of golden color that enhance your mind. It should be tender bridge that all avatars can pass without any reserve.
On the other end of the bridge, a dazzling golden dance hall is welcoming you, where you can get into soft whisper of love.

Now, please stand at the front of the entrance, look toward the castle. There will be a breathtaking big bridge of light that invites you to the dream world.
This is the Corridor Bridge that Tempura provided for you. Please step on the bridge, hand in hand for a couple, and with a confident to meet your dear one for a single.
Tempura is a healing place that nurtures and grows love. Please visit Tempura. We are looking forward to seeing you.
*The photographer for Tempura blog has changed since this edition. Kikunosuke the owner is too busy and has no time. The new photographer, Ms rudynCarter is talented person who won the first prize in an overseas blog contest. All photographs for Tempura blog will be taken by her. Please welcome her and look forward to seeing nice pictures.

皆さんこんにちわ。天ぷらシムオフィサーのchikae Ella ですぅ。


Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter