Hi everyone:
This is chikae ella, the SIM officer.
It is said that the Gold is a color that represents blight beauty, wealth, and power. In the western heraldry, the gold is called Or, and the golden symbol is one of the pledge for kings of many countries to be the allegiants of the emperor.
So, there have been various dream-inspiring legends and glories sprinkled in the words or expressions that include “Kin (Gold)”. Let us see some examples.

Kintoki (A name of golden boy, a folk hero from Japanese folklore): To go slightly flushed around cheeks while drinking.
Kin-no-Tamago (Golden egg): Promising youth
Kin-Medalu (Gold Medal): Needless to say, the top prize of Olympic Games.
Kin-Sho (Gold prize): The highest award in such as an art contest.
Kin-Sho (Gold warrior): A name of a piece in Japanese Chess
Kin-Boshi (Gold Star): In Japanese Sumo-wrestling, an award for lower-ranked wrestler who beat the Yokozuna, the highest tank.
There are more, but the world of old legends is the most suitable stage for the gold where the gold as a symbol of fortune is playing the leading character.
At one time, Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant working for Chinese Emperor, let many adventurers stretch their dream by introducing Japan to Europe as a Zipangu the golden country.
The Inca Empire in Peru in South America was ruined by Pissarro of Spain, and whole gold was depleted, but still there are several legends denoting that there had been a rich golden country (El Dorado) that was superior to the Inca Empire, in the deep jungle of the South America. It is still stimulating our imagination.
The Pacific Ocean, that lies between the South America and Japan. Do you know that there is a more exciting legend beyond all imagination?
About 12,000 years ago:
The Pacific Ocean was not a sea but a huge continent, and there was the Mu Empire that was boasting high plane of civilization and fortune. Under the dynasty of Emperor “La Mu”, the habitants were about sixty four millions. It is said that the audience chamber in the castle where the emperor resided was decollated with bright gold as if it displays the authority ostentatiously.

But, a gas-belt that was lying under the Empire caught fire. Big explosion and earthquake busted up the Mu continent, and the Mu was swallowed by the sea instantly. It is said that few people survived.
Recently, a new fact was released. Surprisingly, some peoples who have the same DNA arrangement as Japanese were found in a tribe in the South America. It means that it was proven biologically that the tribe and Japanese have the same ancestor.
Of course, the legend of the Mu continent could be a dream, but it cannot be said unnatural to consider that the remaining survivors from the annihilation of the Mu continent drifted ashore, some to Japan, and some to the South America.

I tried to reproduce the legendary golden audience chamber of the Mu Empire, at the ball room of Tempura. Please pass through the long corridor bridge from the entrance of Tempura, step on the red stairway, and then open the massive door. A breathtaking bright golden dance room is waiting for you. Gorgeous, splendiferous, glittering, artistic, and gentle sense of relief that heals the body and spirit. It is an acme of beauty beyond all description.
Seeing is believing.
Please visit the golden dance hall in Tempura. The person whom you meet there might be from a different country, but could have the same ancestor with the same DNA, Tempura has access from more than one hundred countries from across the globe every day. The residual incense of the Mu continent the illusionary country, in an illusionary world of Tempura. Please feel it by yourself. Tempura is dearly welcoming you.
Model:Chikae Ella
Model:Tact Arida
Photograph by rudyn Carter
::: 天ぷらの黄金のダンスルーム :::

天ぷらシムオフィサーのchikae ellaです。



Model:Chikae Ella
Model:Tact Arida
Photograph by rudyn Carter