This is chikae ella, the officer of Tempura SIM.
We believe.
In the upper air of Tempura, there are Gods and ancestors descending from the world above, and beholding all avatars from across the globe that are enjoying themselves in Tempura, with a warm smile.

It is because that Tempura is Mandara that was created by kikunosuke the devout owner, giving himself body and soul, where ultimate love and heal reside. In Buddhism, Mandara is the world of enlightenment where Buddha lives. Mandara is a Sanskrit word that means “entity”.

In Japan, Mandara is depicted by a Buddhist painting where many Nyorai(Tathagata) gather together.
And the flash light towards the world above from the dome of Tempura is a symbol of prayer of all avatars congregating in Tempura.
If you would seek fulfillment of your love, please dance with your beloved partner in the pink field of flowers in the dome of the castle in Tempura, and pray to the flashlight toward the above world with strong willpower to be joined together with the partner who is dancing with you now.
If you wish deeper love, fly into the light toward the above world and dance in the sky. In Japan, it is believed that to dedicate dancing to God is the best way to make votive.

After dancing in the light, please go down to the small hall inside, and continue the dance that nurtures your love. Please take all the fun out of the world only for you two.
When finishing all payer and dance, please sit on the edge of the castle to enjoy the vista of Tempura, the paradise that presents Mandara of love and emotion, and depicting the post renaissance.
Please enjoy Tempura to your heart’s content. Only love can fit Tempura.
We are waiting for your visit sincerely.
Model:rudyn Carter,Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter

天ぷらシムオフィサーのchikae ellaです。




Model:rudyn Carter,Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter