Hi, this is chikae Ella, Tempura SIM officer.
An experience of being scolded by parents in the infancy might be kept in the memory as an emotional damage, not ending with adulthood, although the cause would be forgotten.
The only way for the scolded child to forget the grief could be to hide oneself in a favorite space bending fascinated with something, in order to escape from reality.
When I was young, if scolded or felt terrible, I sheltered in a big bamboo grove that was right behind my house. That was the best spot to be able to escape from the parents and the reality.

Nobody came there, and after all, the rustling sound of the bamboo leaf made a good BGM that invited the young soul to a dream world right away.
Bamboo leaves accumulated on the ground of the grove changed into a magic sofa. While sitting on it and listening carefully, the rustling sound of the bamboo leaves and twigs mutated into a natural orchestra. When looking up through the fine green leaves, white clouds were drifting in the blue sky.
I dropped off into sleep before I knew it, as if I were in a house in a huge body of a tree like the one I saw in a movie by Disney, transforming myself to a princess, wishing to be woken up happily after one hundred years later like the Princess Aurora in the Sleeping Beauty.

The Autumn Forest has been said to be one of the crowning works at Tempura. When we saw the Autumn Forest before the opening of Tempura, we aspired a house in a big body of a tree at any price, and we dare changed the layout.
As a result, we successfully created two “Room for Love” in a big tree that was our dream, and a big bird nest on the roof.

Everybody, please visit the bird nest at Tempura. Big but cute birds will provide you with healing chirps. In the two rooms under the bird nest, it is possible to open your head and to give and receive love with a great deal of satisfaction.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all.
Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter
こんにちわ、天ぷらシムオフィサーのchikae Ellaです。



Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by rudyn Carter