Please refer to the following rules if you wish to have your wedding
ceremony on the island of Tempura.
1.Please drop a "note card" on kikunosuke Eel in advance with the date
of your ceremony and approx number of attendees.Remember "not to use
IM" as it may get capped at times.
2.It is unable for us to provide any support for/during the wedding
ceremony.You are allowed to have your wedding at any place, any time,
and any style you like in Tempura.
3.We are unable to rent the whole island exclusively for your wedding,
nor limit access of other residents during the ceremony.We, however,
may be able to provide the security support, if any of our security
staff members are available at that time.
4.There is no cost to hold a wedding at Tempura, but any contributions
would be greatly appreciated as all the money will be sent to UNICEF
(The United Nations Children's Fund).
There are two tip-jars fixed on the island, FYI.
5.As the more people the more lag, you may prefer to have it when there is less access of other residents, (recommended time range:11am to 8:00pm SLT would be fine )
kikunosuke Eel
Model:Chikae Ella
Photograph by kikunosuke Eel
::: てんぷらで結婚式を挙げる方へ :::
kikunosuke Eel
Model:Chikae Ella,kiknosuke Eel
Photograph by kikunosuke Eel